(Deuteronomy 7:1ff)

This chapter explains, brings out and deals with the Lord's command to Israel to destroy other nations totally and completely in the land they were about to occupy- reference being given to the promised land. The nations which He described as being larger and more powerful than Israel included: Hittites, the Canaanites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites among others.

Therefore, the act of Herem is used to mean total destruction of Israel's enemies particularly the pagan nations including their property.

Accordingly, Moses commanded the Israelites to defeat, destroy and put their enemies to death if the Lord would place them in their power. .

The Israelites were forbidden from making an alliance with those nations. They were required to be merciless and neither were they to allow their children marry any of them.

Moses instructed the Israelites to tear down the enemies' altars, break the sacred stone pillars into pieces, cut down the symbols of goddess Asherah, and to burn all their idols.

Moses forbade the Israelites from worshipping the gods of the nations in question for that would be fatal for them as the Lord would destroy them.

Moses commanded Israel to face her enemies with courage and therefore not to excuse themselves that they outnumbered them.

Moses urged Israel to be calm and remember what the lord did to the Egyptian king and all his people. Accordingly, the Israelites were themselves witnesses to the plagues, miracles and the great power and strength the Lord used to set them free.

Moses assured the Israelites that the Lord would destroy their enemies in the same way He had destroyed the Egyptians.

Besides, the Lord would cause panic among Israel's enemies and would drive them away thus allowing Israel to advance.

By destroying their enemies, Israel would maintain monotheism. For this reason, the people of Israel would not be led away from the Lord to worship other gods.

Moses said that the Lord would keep the promises He had made to Israel's ancestors by giving them this command. This was the reason He had to set them free from their Egyptian slavery using His great might.

This act would prove that Israel belonged to the Lord their God. He had chosen them from all the peoples on earth and made them His own special people. Therefore, destroying their enemies was in line with the divine election of Israel.

By this command, Israel would show her readiness to depend on the lord God instead of making and depending on foreign alliance.

By following' this command and obeying them faithfully, the Lord would continue to keep the covenant He had made with Israel.

Besides, the Lord would show His constant love to Israel as He had promised their ancestors only if they would listen to and obey this command faithfully.

Obedience to the act of herem would come along with blessings for Israel as the Lord had promised through their ancestors. They would have many children; their fields would have corn, wine, and olive oil as well as being given many cattle and sheep.

Furthermore, obedience to this command would guarantee Israel's protection from all kinds of sicknesses. The Lord would spare and protect them from any of the dreadful diseases that they experienced while in Egypt. Instead, their enemies would be the ones to fall victims of such diseases.

By carrying out this command, the Israelites would express their faith in Yahweh. He had loved them so much and He was willing to keep the promises He made to their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Moses said that by destroying their enemies the Israelites would survive living under the influence of the pagan nations in question. Therefore, they would avoid the temptation of getting involved in their evil practices like worshiping idols.

Moses said that the destruction of Israel's enemies would portray the supremacy and greatness of the lord their God over other gods. This would instead win their absolute faithfulness to Him alone thus promoting monotheism.

The act would also signify the cleansing process of Israel's land. They would get rid of and set themselves free from pagan practices like worshipping idols.

Besides, the command would signify the universal nature of God. Moses showed the people that God was willing and ready to punish anyone especially those hating Him.

By following this command, God would be with the people of Israel all the time thus they would experience His presence and protection throughout their lives.

Revision Questions

1. Comment on the act of herem in ancient Israel.

2. Analyze the concept of the act of herem in the history Israel.

3. Account for the act of herem in the ancient Israel.

4. Justify the Lord's command for Israel to destroy her enemies.

5. Examine the New Testament views on the act of herem.

6. Assess the attitude of a Christian towards the act of herem.

7. To what extent should a Christian participate in the act of herem?


Christians can approach the theme of the act of herem depending in the situations and the circumstances they may find themselves in or those surrounding them. In a real Christian life, virtues such as humility, tolerance, love, forgiveness and reconciliation among others are the basis of human relationship.

However, there are instances, when Christians may react violently especially where their lives are in danger or when defending their faith. Therefore, this means that Christians should respond to this command in two ways.

It may be inevitable for Christians to take part in destroying pagan shrines or alters. However, this should only be with the consent of the owner who is willing to start a new life by accepting to turn to and believing in the risen Christ.

It is also acceptable for Christians to destroy idols belonging to people who are willing to be converted into their faith. According to Saint Paul, an idol is something that does not exist and therefore, by destroying such, a Christian only helps those who believe in such to follow and believe in the one true God. ..

Christians can as well destroy property inherited from witches and magicians. For one who is weak in faith, possessing such property may cause harm to his or her conscience and freedom in exercising his or her faith.

Christians may destroy their enemies and their property in the course of a war situation especially during liberation struggle. Such becomes acceptable if at the end of it all, the great majority of the population would be safe and attain peace, stability and freedom.

A Christian may find it unavoidable to use violent means of fighting dictatorship in the government. Such may be a government characterized by intolerable abuse of human rights like massive murder and arbitrary arrests among others.

It may also be necessary for Christians to destroy pornographic material like blue movies. This becomes important in shaping the morals especially of the young generation.

Christians can destroy an enemy in the event of self defense. Such may the case that the only way and hope of survival is to fight back in order to get out of such a danger.

However, it is absolutely wrong for Christians to lead violent life and participate in such acts as destruction and killing. They should emulate the character, the life and follow the teaching of Jesus Christ about human relationship.

Christians are advised to be merciful and kind to their enemies for Jesus said that the merciful here on earth would also receive God's mercy in heaven (Matthew 5:7).

Christians are also called upon to extend love to their enemies. Jesus encouraged the believers to love their enemies and to pray for those who persecute them. For this, he said they would become children of God in heaven (Matthew 5:43ff).

Christians are advised to forgive their enemies taking the example of Jesus Christ who prayed asking his father to forgive those that crucified him (Luke 23:34).

Besides, Christians should be good to those hating them instead of retaliating for Jesus encouraged believers to do for others what they would want to be done for them. (6:27- 31 ).

Christians should realize that they are also sinners and have all fallen short of the glory of God. Therefore, they should leave the work of judging others to God.

It is a responsibility for a Christian to preserve human life. Killing distorts God's plan for procreation.

Christians should tolerate and persevere the pain inflicted upon them. They should copy the example of Jesus who suffered physical torture till he fulfilled the father's will of dying for the salvation of the sinful human beings.

Christians are advised to copy the example of Jesus and humble themselves before their enemies. At the time of his arrest, he willingly gave himself in and even rebuked Simon Peter for reacting violently by cutting off the High Priest's ear (John 18: Iff).

Christians should realize that by destroying their enemies, they may also destroy the innocent people.

A believer should accept to be persecuted for the sake of Christ for Jesus said that such people would be rewarded in the heavenly kingdom. (Matthew 5: 11)

It is advisable for Christians to live in harmony with each other including those who treat them as enemies, They should be at peace with them and strive for unity.