
 Ugandas attending the Moshi Conference in tanzania formed a new UNLF government. 22 liberation and pressure groups were represented.
A combined force of Ugandan fighters together with the Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces (TPDF) finally defeated Amin in April 1979.

Professor Yusuf Kironde Lule was elected president of Uganda
Prior to the overthrow of Amin, President Julius Nyerere had called a conference at Moshi, Tanzania of various Ugandan political groups that were opposed to Amin.
The Moshi conference formed the Uganda National Liberation Front (UNLF) and chose Professor Yusuf Lule as President of Uganda. The conference also created the National Consultative Council (NCC), which was to act as the parliament, under the leadership of Edward Rugumayo.
Each of the political groups that met in Moshi was given two seats on the NCC.
Lule was in power for 68 days 
A UNLF government under Professor Yusuf Lule was set up but he lasted only 68 days as President. Lule was succeeded by Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa as President. The UNLF was an umbrella organization, which brought Ugandans of different political opinions together.

Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa QC replaced Lule as President but ruled for 11 months.
This was the first opportunity for Ugandans to organize politically on the basis of their own interests rather than the interests of others. However, this chance was not properly used, as subsequent events were to show.
Members of the Military Commission who replaced Binaisa
Despite the confusion and division that marred the UNLF, a healthy foundation for Uganda's politics could have been established under the UNLF.

The Military Commission addressing a press conference. Yoweri museni was the Vice Chairman.
Basing itself, unfortunately, on the brotherly, but misinformed, support of the TPDF, the UNLF administration was short-lived. Later, as a result of political manipulation on the part of UPC and DP leaders, the UNLF umbrella was torn, with both UPC and DP insisting on factional, sectarian elections in 1980.

Yoweri Museveni with Kirunda kivenjinja Addressing a political rally. UPM was their party.
Some of the leadership had pressed for elections under UNLF and the NCC had passed a resolution approving elections under the Front, this view was suppressed

National Movements and New States in Africa