Measures taken by the effected countries to control soil erosion

•    Afforestation and re-afforestation on highlands Futajalon, Drakensburg.
•    Plant trees to act as wind brakes in desert areas like Sahara and Kalahari.
•    In Libya there is emphasis of planting the green belts to the soil.
•    Strip cropping should be encouraged.
•    Terracing, Contour ploughing in most affected areas with steep slopes.
•    Use of good farming methods like fertilizer application
•    Use of irrigation schemes in arid areas like Sudan and Egypt.
•    Spraying oil on sand to stabilise it as in  Libya.
•    Controlled grazing in Lesotho.
•    Dams have been constructed in Lesotho.
•    Emphasis on family planning to control over population.