The exiles' attitude to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 33 : 30-33)

When the exiles heard that Jerusalem had fallen, they were impressed by the fulfilment of the prophecies which Ezekiel had made earlier. The prophet became the centre of popular interest and many of the exiles came to hear what Ezekiel had to say next. But they treated him as an entertainer, wondering what this strange man would do and say about other matters. They did not take him seriously, and did not change their attitudes. This must have been a cause of grief and painful frustration to Ezekiel, but he knew from what God had said to him about his task of being a watchman for his fellow exiles, that he must persevere with his messages. He would not be held responsible by God if the people ignored what he said, but he had to be faithful to his duty to continue speaking for God.