Ezekiel's prophetic signs

Ezekiel performed a number of interesting prophetic signs. While he was in Babylonia he sketched a map of Jerusalem under siege as a sign that the city would be attacked (4: 1-3). He lay on his left side for 390 days to show that the people of the northern kingdom of Israel would suffer exile for 390 years, then he lay on his right side for 40 days, to indicate that the people of Judah would remain in exile for 40 years (4: 4-8). While he was lying on his side, he weighed out small quantities of food and water to indicate the shortages that the besieged people of Jerusalem would suffer (4:9-11). He cut off his hair, which was a sign of mourning, using a sword, which represented war. He burnt, cut up and scattered the hair which he had cut off to indicate what would happen to the people of Jerusalem (S: 1-4 and 11-12).All these signs were performed several years before the final seige of Jerusalem took place.He also performed signs to represent the reuniting of all the Isrealites, from south and north, into one people(37:15-28)