The aims of Mark's gospel
We may identify the
aims of the gospel of Mark as follows:
to put into an organized, written form the
recollections of Jesus Christ and the interpretations of his person and work
with which the Church supported the preaching of the Good News;
to encourage Christians who were
suffering (very probably the Christians of Rome), by emphasizing in the gospel
the hostility and suffering which Jesus endured 'to redeem many people' (Mark
to show that the work of Jesus was a fight
against and a victory over evil; it was through his sufferings that he won his victory;
to interpret to Gentile Christians
what was meant by calling Jesus 'the Christ' and to show what it did not mean;
to show that Jesus Christ was both
God's Son and a real human being; it has been suggested that Docetism or the
teaching that Jesus was not really human but only seemed to be, had become a