Research and discussion

IDevice Icon Activity


I.    Explain this statement: ‘Mark’s gospel may be described as extended kerygma.'

2.    Explain the basic ways in which the Gospel was preserved and trans-mitted before the gospels were written.

3.    Suggest (a) why the gospels were not written until after the middle of the first century A.D. and (b) what needs and circumstances influenced the content of the gospels.

4.    Discuss (a) the history and use of the word 'gospel' and (b) modern approaches to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the needs of our times.

5.    With reference to any biography you have read, explain what you expect to find in a book described as a biography, and then comment on why the gospels cannot be described as biographies of Jesus Christ.

6.    Explain what you understand by the statement that the gospels are interpretations of the work and person of Jesus Christ.