9:42-50. Savings to the disciples
Mark puts together some
of Jesus' sayings about what is required of the follower of Christ. In 9:42-48
the tremendous responsibility of those who would be the future teachers and
leaders of the Church is 'indicated and this teaching was not just for the
disciples but for all in the future who claimed to follow Christ. Loss of
faith, whatever the cause, is a terrible tragedy which must be avoided whatever
the cost (9:43-45). Those who undertake to teach and lead others but then lead
them astray, because of pride or some other sin, are given a very severe
warning in this passage.
The sayings of 9:49-50
are all connected by the word 'salt'; used symbolically in different ways. 9:49
refers to the need to be purified from sin. 9: 50a draws a comparison between
the Christian who has lost his faith and salt which has lost its taste and
usefulness. 9:50b compares the Christian fellowship of peace with salt which
preserves good food.