10:17-31. The rich man
Although this story
centres on the man's attitude to his wealth, the teaching that develops from it
and which Jesus directed to his disciples, concerns the cost of discipleship
and hindrances to following Christ. In the case of this man, his wealth
prevented him from following Jesus, but many other hindrances can come between
a person and God. The disciples were astonished at what Jesus said (10:23-25)
perhaps because of the traditional Jewish understanding that wealth was a sign
of God's blessing, as in the story of Job. In 10:26-27 Jesus taught the
disciples that through God's grace what seems impossible becomes possible. The
disciples would understand this when they led the Church and Peter began to
understand as Jesus was teaching them (10:28). God had given them grace to
follow Jesus, in contrast to the rich man who had gone away sadly. The teaching
of 10:29-31 is assurance to the disciples of spiritual riches far more
wonderful than anything the world could give them. In the Church they would
find a great new family of the people of God and were promised heavenly riches
after this life. But the warning note of suffering is also sounded in 10:30,
followed by a reference to God's judgement in 10:31.