1:6:9. John the messenger


John the Baptist, who is called only John in this gospel and not referred to as the Baptist, is introduced as the messenger sent by God 'who came to tell people about the light so that all should hear the message and believe' (1 :7). In this gospel, the significance of John the Baptist is in his witness to Jesus. The probable reason for this may be found in Acts 19: 1-7 which indicates that the Baptist's followers had become so wide-spread that they were found as far away as Ephesus; they had not received Christian baptism. In his account of the Baptist, the gospel writer is concerned to show the part which the Baptist took in God's plan for the salvation of mankind; he was in no way a 'rival' to Jesus but the chosen messenger to announce his coming. This is clearly indicated in 1 :8, in which the word 'light' refers to the incarnate Word of God, Jesus Christ, through whom eternal life is offered to all mankind. Later, it is emphasized that the Baptist is not the Christ.