1:16-18. The Father made known in the Son
These concluding verses of the prologue begin with
the witness of the Church to the blessings and the love that God has given them
with un-bounded generosity, through Jesus Christ (1: 16). In I: 17 a contrast
is made between Moses and Jesus Christ, and between the Law and the grace and
truth which came through Jesus Christ. Although God's light had shone out to
Israel in the Law, the sin of Israel had kept them in spiritual darkness;
Israel repeatedly broke the old Covenant.
The gifts of God's grace and truth are made
available to the people of the new Covenant, the Christians, through Jesus
Christ. If we remind ourselves of what Paul said about the purpose of the Law
in his letter to the Galatians, we can understand I: 17. The Law taught the
Jews what sin was but did not have the power to free them from it. The Gospel
fulfils and replaces the Law. Only in Jesus Christ does the believer find
liberation from sin. In 1: 18 it is affirmed that the invisible God has been revealed
in Christ. The idea of 'spiritual sight' is in this verse. We 'see' God with
the eyes of faith, in Jesus Christ. The Greek word for 'known' in 1:18 refers
particularly to the revealing of divine truth. God remains invisible to man's
physical eyes but is revealed and made known in the world by Jesus Christ.