14:22-26. The Lord's Supper; bread and wine
In this most important
passage, Mark records the instituting by Jesus of what was to be the central
act of worship of the Church, the Lord's Supper. Through the shared broken
bread and wine, Jesus gave to his followers the means by which spiritual union
with him would always be possible. In 1 Corinthians 11 :23-25 we have the
earliest record of what took place with Mark's record following this, and then
the records of Luke and Matthew, totaling four in all.
The disciples did not
fully understand the meaning of what Jesus did and said, neither did they
realize that it was their last meal with him before his death. The betrayer was
already beginning his evil work but Mark does not say when Judas left the meal
to go to the priests, A little later the words of Jesus revealed that the
continual spiritual incomprehension of his disciples was part of the agony of
the last day of his earthly life (14 :37).