
1.     Kenneth Prewit, (1971): Education and Political Values; An E.African Case Study, East African Publishing House Kenya, Ohio Univesity Press,1998.

2.     Mamdani M, Imperialism and Fascism in Uganda, Heinemann Educational Books,Nairobi Kenya.

3.     Mandela Nelson, Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Abacus Publishers, Brettenham House London.

4.     Mazrui, A.A., Africa's International Relations, Heinemann, London, 1977.

5.     Museveni Y.K. What Is Africa's Problem ? Kampala , N.R.M. Publications 1990.

6.     Smith, G.I., Ghosts of Kampala: The Rise and Fall of Idi Amin, Weidenfeld and Nicolson. London, 1980.

7.     Thompson, V.B., Africa and Unity. The Evolution of Pan-Africanism, Longman, Harlow, 1969.

8.     Wolfers, M., Politics in the Organization of African Unity, Methuen, London, 1976.

9.     Green, R.H. and Seidman, A., Unify or Poverty? The Economics of Pan-Africanism, Penguin Books, Hammondsworth. 1968.


National Movements and New States in Africa