The benefits of the scheme to the people of Sudan

i.    Today the Gezira scheme tenant is one of the richest of African peasant farmers.  The housing facilities have been improved, the tenant farmer is now able to purchase a radio, bicycle, and can afford better education for his children and some have managed to purchase sewing machines for their private income.
ii.    The scheme has helped in settling the tenants who had otherwise been living by nomadism.
iii.    Tenant farmers have been trained in modern methods of farming so as to maintain the production of their farms.
iv.    Tenant farmers have been encouraged to develop and maintain their own food gardens.  This has greatly improved on food supply to the region and this has also reduced on the problem of famine that used to affect the people.
v.    Adult education has been encouraged on the scheme.  This has reduced on the illiteracy among men and women whose chances of going to school had ended.
vi.    Tenants have been provided with clean water from the many deep wells constructed on the scheme.
vii.    Diary farming has been encouraged on the scheme.  This has encouraged the farmers to work hard.
viii.    The scheme has encouraged afforestation programs. The planted trees have many uses.
ix.    There has been some improvement made in transport facilities within the scheme, thereby breaking the remoteness of the area.
x.    The scheme provides some foreign exchange to the country through cotton exports.
xi.    The scheme now provides employment opportunities to the natives thereby improving their incomes.
xii.    Economics education has been introduced to the scheme’s women.  This has greatly improved on food hygiene and nutrition habits.