Theories of Continental Drift

F.B Taylor’s theory of continental drift

Taylor published a pamphlet in 1908 and published in 1910. In his publication, Taylor described continental drift as huge landslides from polar regions towards the Equator. According to him, the original Laurasia must have been located somewhere near the present day North pole from where they spread out radially towards the Equator.

He suggested that two landmasses moved from their polar positions due to the moon’s tidal attractions. He stated that during Cretaceous period, the moon came very close to the earth and exerted powerful tidal attractions which pulled the Equator. He also thought that the Atlas mountains in North Africa and the Alps ranges in Europe were formed by the collision between Laurasia and Gondwanaland.

This idea for the formation of the two mountains also refereed to as the Geocyncline theory. It also explains the formation of fold mountains. See the diagram below:

Collision between Gondwanaland and Laurasia.


Criticisms of Taylor’s Theory

Geophysicists argue that however close the moon came to the earth, it could never exert enough force to pull the continents away from their polar locations. If it did, then the force would have been so strong that it would have brought the earth’s rotation to halt just one within a year.

Secondly, the theory does not explain the formation of earlier fold mountains like the Appalachian, the Caledonian system of Siluro – Devonian times while explaining the possible formation of Alps and Atlas.

From the criticisms of Taylor’s theory, two important conclusions may be drawn.

Since the earth continues to rotate, neither tidal attractions nor any force outside the earth is responsible for continental drifts or organic belts.

It can be deduced that the cause of the movements of the continents from their polar regions must be looked for within the earth and not outside of it.

Alfred Wegner’s Theory.

Alfred Wegner was a German meteologist who became a famous advocate of the continental drift theory. As continental drift theory was a direct result of two observations: Firstly, he was impressed by Antonio Snider’s reconstruction of the world after during the Carbaniferous period. Secondly, while on a trip to Greenland between 1906 – 1908, Wegner observed how icebergs broke and slowly drifted away from each other .


These observations seemed to provide a solution to what had been puzzling how about the mechanism of continental drift. These observations made him very confident of the concept of continental drift.

Wegener, Alfred (1880-1930), German meteorologist, noted chiefly for advocating the theory of continental drift at a time when the technological means for proving the theory had not yet been developed.

Wegener served as professor of meteorology at Graz University from 1924 to 1930. Drawing on several lines of evidence, he rejuvenated the idea that all the continents were once joined as one landmass, which he named Pangaea. He further proposed that this ancestral supercontinent had begun breaking up approximately 200 million years earlier into a northern portion, which he called Laurasia, and a southern portion, named Gondwanaland by the Austrian geologist Eduard Suess. Wegener's theories, described in The Origin of Continents and Oceans (1915; trans. 1924), did not receive scientific corroboration, however, until the 1960s when oceanographic research revealed the phenomenon known as seafloor spreading. Wegener died during an expedition to Greenland.

Alfred Wegner

This landmark Scientific American article from 1963 heralds a profound turning point in geology: the acceptance of continental drift, or plate tectonics theory. Canadian geophysicist J. Tuzo Wilson, one of the architects of modern geologic thought, summarized compelling evidence that the earth’s crust is a dynamic assembly of moving plates whose interactions explain most geological phenomena, including volcanoes and earthquakes. Wilson demonstrated the existence of a continuous, planetwide system of plate boundaries, evidenced by ridges on the ocean floor. As he predicted, the study of the ocean floors verified the theory of continental drift within a few years of this article. Wilson’s suggestion that slow convection currents within the earth’s interior drive the motions of the plates is still being debated.

Continental Drift

In 1912 Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents had originated in the breakup of one supercontinent. His idea has not been widely accepted, but new evidence suggests that the principle is correct.

Geology has reconstructed with great success the events that lie behind the present appearance of much of the earth's landscape. It has explained many of the observed features, such as folded mountains, fractures in the crust and marine deposits high on the surface of continents. Unfortunately, when it comes to fundamental processes—those that formed the continents and ocean basins, that set the major periods of mountain-building in motion, that began and ended the ice ages—geology has been less successful. On these questions there is no agreement, in spite of much speculation. The range of opinion divides most sharply between the position that the earth has been rigid throughout its history, with fixed ocean basins and continents, and the idea that the earth is slightly plastic, with the continents slowly drifting over its surface, fracturing and reuniting and perhaps growing in the process. Whereas the first of these ideas has been more widely accepted, interest in continental drift is currently on the rise. In this article I shall explore the reasons why.

The subject is large and full of pitfalls. The reader should be warned that I am not presenting an accepted or even a complete theory but one man's view of fragments of a subject to which many are contributing and about which ideas are rapidly changing and developing. If it is conceded that much of this is speculation, then it should also be added that many of the accepted ideas have in fact been speculations also.

In the past several different theories of continental drift have been advanced and each has been shown to be wrong in some respects. Until it is indisputably established that such movements in the earth's crust are impossible, however, a multitude of theories of continental drift remain to be considered.…

The traditional rigid-earth theory holds that the earth, once hot, is now cooling, that it became rigid at an early date and that the contraction attendant on the cooling process creates compressive forces that, at intervals, squeeze up mountains along the weak margins of continents or in deep basins filled with soft sediments. This view, first suggested by Isaac Newton, was quantitatively established during the 19th century to suit ideas then prevailing. It was found that an initially hot, molten earth would cool to its present temperature in about 100 million years and that, in so doing, its circumference would contract by at least tens and perhaps hundreds of miles. The irregular shape and distribution of continents presented a puzzle but, setting this aside, it was thought that the granitic blocks of the continents had differentiated from the rest of the crustal rock and had frozen in place at the close of the first, fluid chapter of the earth's history. Since then they had been modified in situ, without migrating.

This hypothesis, in its essentials, still has many adherents. They include most geologists, with notable exceptions among those who work around the margins of the southern continents. The validity of the underlying physical theory is defended by some physicists. On the other hand, a number of formidable objections have been raised by those who have studied radioactivity, ancient climates, terrestrial magnetism and, most recently, submarine geology. Many biologists have also thought that, although the evolution and migration of later forms of life—particularly since the advent of mammals—could be satisfactorily traced on the existing pattern of continents, the distribution of earlier forms required either land bridges across the oceans—the origin and disappearance of which are difficult to explain—or a different arrangement of the continents.

The discovery of radioactivity altered the original concept of the contraction theory without absolutely invalidating it. In the first place, the age of the earth could be reliably determined from knowledge of the rate at which the unstable isotopes of various elements decay and by measurement of the ratios of daughter to parent isotopes present in the rocks. These studies showed the earth to be much older than had been imagined, perhaps 4.5 billion years old. Dating of the rocks indicated that the continents are zoned and have apparently grown by accretion over the ages. Finally, it was found that the decay of uranium, thorium and one isotope of potassium generates a large but unknown supply of heat that must have slowed, although it did not necessarily stop, the cooling of the earth.

The rigid earth now appeared to be less rigid.… Calculations of the viscosity of the interior … led to the realization that the earth as a whole behaves as though a cool and brittle upper layer, perhaps 100 kilometers thick, rests on a hot and plastic interior. All the large topographical features—continents, ocean basins, mountain ranges and even individual volcanoes—slowly seek a rough hydrostatic equilibrium with one another on the exterior. Precise local measurements of gravity showed that the reason some features remain higher than others is that they have deeper, lighter roots than those that are low. The continents were seen to float like great tabular icebergs on a frozen sea.

Everyone could agree that in response to vertical forces the outer crustal layer moved up and down, causing flow in the interior. The crux of the argument between the proponents of fixed and of drifting continents became the question of whether the outer crust must remain rigid under horizontal forces or whether it could respond to such forces by slow lateral movements.

Gondwanaland and "Pangaea"

Suggestions that the continents might have moved had been advanced on various grounds for centuries. The remarkable jigsaw-puzzle fit of the Atlantic coasts of Africa and South America provoked the imagination of explorers almost as soon as the continental outlines appeared opposite each other on the world map. In the late 19th century geologists of the Southern Hemisphere were moved to push the continents of that hemisphere together in one or another combination in order to explain the parallel formations they found, and by the turn of the century the Austrian geologist Eduard Suess had reassembled them all in a single giant land mass that he called Gondwanaland (after Gondwana, a key geological province in east central India).

The first comprehensive theory of continental drift was put forward by the German meteorologist Alfred Wegener in 1912. He argued that if the earth could flow vertically in response to vertical forces, it could also flow laterally. In support of a different primeval arrangement of land masses he was able to point to an astonishing number of close affinities of fossils, rocks and structures on opposite sides of the Atlantic that, he suggested, ran evenly across, like lines of print when the ragged edges of two pieces of a torn newspaper are fitted together again. According to Wegener all the continents had been joined in a single supercontinent about 200 million years ago, with the Western Hemisphere continents moved eastward and butted against the western shores of Europe and Africa and with the Southern Hemisphere continents nestled together on the southern flank of this "Pangaea." Under the action of forces associated with the rotation of the earth, the continents had broken apart, opening up the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

Between 1920 and 1930 Wegener's hypothesis excited great controversy. Physicists found the mechanism he had proposed inadequate and expressed doubt that the continents could move laterally in any case. Geologists showed that some of Wegener's suggestions for reassembling the continents into a single continent were certainly wrong and that drift was unnecessary to explain the coincidences of geology in many areas. They could not, however, dispute the validity of most of the transatlantic connections. Indeed, more such connections have been steadily added.

It was the discovery of one of these connections that prompted my own recent inquiries into the subject of continental drift. A huge fault of great age bisects Scotland along the Great Glen in the Caledonian Mountains. On the western side of the Atlantic, I was able to show, a string of well-known faults of the same great age connect up into another huge fault, the "Cabot Fault" extending from Boston to northern Newfoundland. These two great faults are much older than the submarine ridge and rift recently discovered on the floor of the mid-Atlantic and shown to be a young formation. The two faults would be one if Wegener's reconstruction or something like it were correct. Wegener also thought that Greenland (where he died in 1930) and Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic had been torn apart by a great lateral displacement along the Robeson Channel. The Geological Survey of Canada has since discovered that the Canadian coast is faulted there.

Many geologists of the Southern Hemisphere, led by Alex. L. Du Toit of South Africa, welcomed Wegener's views. They sought to explain the mounting evidence that an ice age of 200 million years ago had spread a glacier over the now scattered continents of the Southern Hemisphere. At the same time, according to the geological record, the great coal deposits of the Northern Hemisphere were being formed in tropical forests as far north as Spitsbergen. To resolve this climatic paradox Du Toit proposed a different reconstruction of the continent. He brought the southern continents together at the South Pole and the northern coal forests toward the Equator. Later, he thought, the southern continent had broken up and its component subcontinents had drifted northward.

The compelling evidence for the existence of a Gondwanaland during the Mesozoic era—the "Age of Reptiles"—has been reinforced by the findings made in Antarctica since the intensive study of that continent began in 1955. The ice-free outcrops on the continent, although few, not only show the record of the earlier ice age that gripped the rest of the land masses in the Southern Hemisphere but also bear deposits of a low-grade coal laid down in a still earlier age of verdure that covered all the same land masses with the peculiar big-leafed Glossopteris flora found in their coal beds as well.

Many suggestions have been made as to how to create and destroy the land bridges needed to explain the biological evidence without moving the continents. Some involve isthmuses and some involve whole continents that have subsided below the surface of the ocean. But the chemistry and density of continents and ocean floors are now known to be so different that it seems even more difficult today to raise and lower ocean floors than it is to cause continents to migrate.

Convection in the Mantle

Over the abyssal trenches in the sea floor that are associated with the island arcs of Indonesia and the western side of the Pacific [the Dutch geophysicist Felix Meinesz] found some of the largest deficiencies in gravity ever recorded. Some force at work there pulls the crust into the depths of the trenches more strongly than the pull of gravity does.

Arthur Holmes of the University of Edinburgh and D. T. Griggs, now at the University of California at Los Angeles, … showed that convection currents were necessary to account in full for the transfer of heat flowing from the earth's interior through the poorly conductive material of the mantle: the region that lies between the core and the crust. The trenches, they said, mark the places where currents in the mantle descend again into the interior of the earth, pulling down the ocean floor.

Convection currents in the mantle now play the leading role in every discussion of the large-scale and long-term processes that go on in the earth. It is true that the evidence for their existence is indirect; they flow too deep in the earth and too slowly—a few centimeters a year—for direct observation. Nonetheless their presence is supported by an increasing body of independently established evidence and by a more rigorous statement of the theory of their behavior.…

Perhaps the strongest confirmation has come with the discovery of the regions where these currents appear to ascend toward the earth's surface. This is the major discovery of the recent period of extraordinary progress in the exploration of the ocean bottom, and it involves a feature of the earth's topography as grand in scale as the continents themselves. Across the floors of all the oceans, for a distance of 40,000 miles, there runs a continuous system of ridges. Over long stretches, as in the mid-Atlantic, the ridge is faulted and rifted under the tension of forces acting at right angles to the axis of the ridge. Measurements first undertaken by Sir Edward Bullard of the University of Cambridge show that the flow of heat is unusually great along these ridges.…

Most oceanographers now agree that the ridges form where convection currents rise in the earth's mantle and that the trenches are pulled down by the descent of these currents into the mantle. The possibility of lateral movement of the currents in between is supported by evidence for a slightly plastic layer—called the asthenosphere—below the brittle shell of the earth. Seismic observations show that the speed of sound in this layer suddenly becomes slower, indicating that the rock is less dense, hotter and more plastic. These observations have also yielded evidence that the asthenosphere is a few hundred kilometers thick, somewhat thicker than the crust, and that below it the viscosity increases again.

Here, then, is a mechanism, in harmony with physical theory and much geological and geophysical observation, that provides a means for disrupting and moving continents. It is easy to believe that where the convection currents rise and separate, the surface rocks are broken by tension and pulled apart, the rift being filled by the altered top of the mantle and by the flow of basalt lavas. In contrast to earlier theories of continental drift that required the continents to be driven through the crust like ships through a frozen sea, this mechanism conveys them passively by the lateral movement of the crust from the source of a convection current to its sink. The continents, having been built up by the accumulation of lighter and more siliceous materials brought up from below, are not dragged down at the trenches where the currents descend but pile up there in mountains. The ocean floor, being essentially altered mantle, can be carried downward; such sediments as have accumulated in the trenches descend also and, by complicated processes, may add new mountains to the continents. Since the material near the surface is chilled and brittle, it fractures, causing earthquakes until it is heated by its descent.

From the physical point of view, the convection cells in the mantle that drive these currents can assume a variety of sizes and configurations, starting up and slowing down from time to time, expanding and contracting. The flow of the currents on the world map may therefore follow a single pattern for a time, but the pattern should also change occasionally owing to changes in the output and transfer of heat from within. It is thus possible to explain the periodicity of mountain-building, the random and asymmetrical distribution of the continents and the abrupt breakup of an ancient continent.

Some geophysicists consider that isostatic processes [the tendency for the earth’s crust to seek gravitational equilibrium] set up by gravitational forces may suffice to cause the outer shell to fracture and to slip laterally over the plastic layer of the asthenosphere. This mechanism would not require the intervention of convection currents. Both mechanisms could explain large horizontal displacements of the crust.

Evidence from Terrestrial Magnetism

Fresh evidence that such great movements have indeed been taking place has been provided by two lines of study in the field of terrestrial magnetism. On the one hand, surveys of the earth's magnetic field off the coast of California show a pattern of local anomalies in the ocean floor running parallel to the axis of a now inactive oceanic ridge that underlies the edge of the continent.…

Evidence of a more general nature in favor of continental drift comes from the studies of the "remanent" magnetism of the rocks, to which Runcorn, P. M. S. Blackett of the University of London and Emil Thellier of the University of Paris have made significant contributions. Their investigations have shown that rocks can be weakly magnetized at the time of formation—during cooling in the case of lavas and during deposition in the case of sediments—and that their polarity is aligned with the direction of the earth's magnetic field at the place and time of their formation. The present orientation of the rocks of various ages on the continents indicates that they must have been formed in different latitudes.… Continental drift offers the only explanation of these findings that has withstood analysis.

Some physicists and biologists are now prepared to accept continental drift, but many geologists still have no use for the hypothesis. This is to be expected. Continents are so large that much geology would be the same whether drift had occurred or not. It is the geology of the ocean floors that promises to settle the question, but the real study of that two-thirds of the earth's surface has just begun.

The Oceanic Islands

One decisive test turns on the age of the ocean floor. If the continents have been fixed, the ocean basins should all be as old as the continents. If drift has occurred, some regions of the ocean floor should be younger than the time of drift.…

Significantly, it turns out that the age of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean tends to increase with their distance from the mid-ocean ridge.… The increase in age with distance from the ridge suggests that if the more distant islands had a volcanic origin on the ridge, lateral movement of the ocean floor has carried them away from the ridge. Their ages and distances from the ridge indicate movement at the rate of two to six centimeters a year on the average, in keeping with the estimated velocity of the convection currents.

Of great significance in connection with the mechanism postulated here are the two lateral ridges that run east and west from Tristan da Cunha to Africa on the one hand and to South America on the other. It is reasonable to suppose that these ridges had their origin in a succession of volcanoes that erupted and grew into mountains on the site of the present volcano and were carried off east and west to form a row of progressively older, extinct and drowned volcanoes.…


A Double Hypothesis

We have therefore advanced two related hypotheses: first, that where adjacent continents were once joined a median ridge should now lie between them; second, that where such continents are connected by lateral ridges they were once butted together in such a manner that points marked by the shoreward ends of these ridges coincided. If this is correct, it provides a unique method for reassembling continents that have drifted apart.…

Without doubt the most severe test of this double hypothesis is presented by the Indian Ocean. Here four continents—Africa, India, Australia and Antarctica—may be assumed on geological and paleomagnetic evidence to have drifted apart. The collision of India with the Asian land mass could have thrown up the Himalaya mountains at their junction. These continents should accordingly be separated by four mid-ocean ridges. Three such ridges have already been well established by surveys of the Indian Ocean, and there is evidence for the existence of the fourth. In each quadrant marked off by the ridges there is also, it happens, a lateral ridge! These submarine trails may be presumed to be records of the motion of the continents as they receded from one another.… Thus in each quadrant there exists a lateral ridge to show how points on Madagascar, India, Australia and Antarctica once lay close together. What is remarkable is not that there is some irregularity in the present configuration of these ridges but that the floor of the Indian Ocean should show such a symmetrical pattern.

The mid-ocean ridge separating Australia from Antarctica has been traced by Henry W. Menard of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography across the eastern Pacific to connect with the great East Pacific Rise. From the topography of the Pacific floor it can be deduced that this ridge once extended through the rise marked by Cocos Island off Central America and formed the rifted ridge that moved North and South America apart. Another branch of this ridge, running across the southern latitudes, suggests the cause of the separation of South America from Antarctica. The oceanic islands in this broad region of the Pacific form lines that extend at right angles down the flanks of the East Pacific Rise; geologists long ago established that these islands grow progressively older with distance from the top of the rise. Unlike the rest of the continuous belt of mid-ocean ridges to which it is connected, the East Pacific Rise tends to run along the margins of the Pacific Ocean; it has rifted an older ocean apart rather than a continent.…

There are therefore enough connections to draw all the continents together, reversing the trends of motion indicated by the mid-ocean ridges and using the continental ends of pairs of lateral ridges as the means of matching the coast lines together. The ages of the islands and of the coastal formations suggest that about 150 million years ago, in mid-Mesozoic time, all the continents were joined in one land mass and that there was only one great ocean. The supercontinent that emerges from this reconstruction is not the same as those proposed by Wegener, Du Toit and other geologists, although all have features in common. The widespread desert conditions of the mid-Mesozoic may have been a consequence of the unusual circumstance that produced a single continent and a single ocean at that time. Since its approximate location with respect to latitude is known, along with the location of its major mountain systems, the climate in various regions might be reconstructed and compared with geological evidence.…

Breakup of the Supercontinent

If it can be assumed that the proposed Mesozoic continent did exist and spread apart, geology provides some guide to the history of its fragmentation.…

It seems reasonable to suggest, particularly from the geology of the Verkhoyansk Mountains and of Iceland, that at the start of Tertiary time, about 60 million years ago, this convection system became less active and that rifting started up elsewhere. A new rift opened up along the other, northwesterly, diagonal of the Indian Ocean, separating Africa from India and Australia and separating Australia from Antarctica. With the collision of the Indian subcontinent against the southern shelf of the Asiatic land mass, the uplift of the Himalaya mountains began.…

Figure 2: Wegener used fossil evidence to support his continental drift hypothesis. The fossils of these organisms are found on lands that are now far apart. Wegener suggested that when the organisms were alive, the lands were joined and the organisms were living side-by-side.

A few million years ago activity in this system decreased. The Atlantic rift now became more active again, producing renewed uplift in the Verkhoyansk Mountains and active volcanoes in Iceland and the five other still active volcanic islands down the Atlantic. Again the pattern of rifting in the Indian Ocean was altered. The distribution of recent earthquakes shows that the greatest activity extends along the western half of each diagonal ridge from the South Atlantic to the entrance of the Red Sea and thence by two arms along the rift valley of the Jordan River and through the African rift valleys, where the breakup of a continent has apparently begun.

The presently expanding rifts run mostly north and south or northeasterly so that dominant easterly and westerly compression of the outer crust is absorbed by overthrusting and sinking of the crust along the eastern and western sides of the "ring of fire" around the Pacific. The westward-driving pressure of the South Atlantic portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge has forced the continental block of South America against and over the downward-plunging oceanic trench along its Pacific coast. The northwest-trending currents below the Pacific floor have pulled down trenches under the eight island arcs around the western and northern Pacific from the Philippines north to the Aleutians. Even at the surface of the Pacific, the direction of the subcrustal movement is indicated by the strike of several parallel chains of volcanic islands, such as the Hawaiians. In all cases, the angle at which the loci of deep-focus earthquakes dip into the earth seems to follow the direction of subsurface flow—eastward and downward.

The theory I have outlined may be highly speculative, but it is indicative of current trends in thought about the earth's behavior. The older theories of the earth's history and behavior have proved inadequate to meet the new findings, particularly those from studies of terrestrial magnetism and oceanography. In favor of the specific details suggested here is the fact that they fit observations and are precise enough to be tested.

Simple Explanation Of Wegner’s Theory

Accordingly in 1910, Wegner formulated his continental drift theory and in 1912, he published it. Wegner’s theory of continental drift is based on rifting and drifting of land masses. The theory is explained as follows:

About 200 million years before the present, there was only one super continent called Pangaea – lying near the south pole. It was surrounding by a giant ocean known as Panthalassa. See the diagram

About 180 million years ago, the Pangaea split or rifted into two continental blocks that is Laurasia which drifted Northwards and Gondwanaland which remained where it was. The two landmasses were separated at sea known as Tethys. Gondwanaland began to break up causing India to separate, while South America/ African block moved away from Antarctica /Australia. This can be seen in the diagram below.


About 135 million years ago (before the present) Gondwanaland and Laurasia drifted northwards. The Laurasia split into Eurasia and North America, while Gondwanaland split into Africa, South America, India, Australia and Antarctica which continued to drift apart eastwards and northwards and northwards. The oceans between the continental blocks became wider.


About 65 million years before the present India joined Eurasia and Africa drifted to attain her present position – astride the Equator. South America drifted northwards and westwards towards the Equator to join North America. Australia drifted north and eastwards. North America continued to drift west wards and Northwards close to the North pole. The Mediterranean Sea was now recognizable as the Tethy’s sea finally closed


Wegner thought that the northward drift resulted from the gravitational attraction of the Equatorial bulge (Centripetal force) and the west ward drift was due to the tidal attractions of the moon and the sun causing the continents to move slowly on relation to the earth’s rotation.

The continents today and 50 million years from now.

Criticisms of Wegner’s Theory

Firstly, Wegner was a meteologist and not a geologist, he therefore had no business in the field of geology.

Secondly, Wegner never bothered to explain the forces he thought were responsible for continental drift.

Thirdly, Geologists argue that both centrifugal force (gravitational attraction of the Equatorial bulge) and tidal attractions are many million times too small to drag continents from their original positions.

It is now generally agreed that no force from outside the earth may be strong enough to cause continental drift. Whatever the force it must be from within the earth.

The sun and moon both do exert tidal attractions on the earth but they are too weak to resist the earth’s rotation and raise mountain ranges.

However, credit should be given to Wegner’s theory because of the following reasons:

· His theory excited so much research into the concept of continental drift.

· He gathered an impressive heap of evidence to support his theory such evidence include: Jigsaw – like fit of coasts, Similar rock sequences

· Existence of similar flora and fauna of the various continents of Equatorial forests of the Amazon, Asian, and Africa among others

The Convection Current Theory.

This theory was proposed by Count Rumford in 1797 and William Hopkins (1839) and was discussed by Osmand Fisher in 1881. They suggested that the earth’s interior (mantle) and the thin crust at the surface behave like boiling milk. The hot milk rising from the bottom of the pan towards the surface causes the cream to break and pushed towards the sides of the pan as illustrated on the diagram below.



The publishers of this theory advanced that the interior of the earth behaves like boiling milk and the earth crust behaves like the cream being torn and pushed to the sides.

Figure 4b: Diagram of convection within Earth's mantle.

This theory was later developed by an American geologist Henry Hess in the mid 1960s into the theory of sea floor spreading.

The Theory of Sea Floor Spreading

During the 1950s, as people began creating detailed maps of the world’s ocean floor, they discovered a mid-ocean ridge system of mountains nearly 60,000 km (nearly 40,000 mi) long. This ridge goes all the way around the globe.

American geologist Harry H. Hess proposed that this mountain chain was the place where new ocean floor was created and that the continents moved as a result of the expansion of the ocean floors. This process was termed seafloor spreading by American geophysicist Robert S. Dietz in 1961. Hess also proposed that since the size of the earth seems to have remained constant, the seafloor must also be recycled back into the mantle beneath mountain chains and volcanic arcs along the deep trenches on the ocean floor.


These studies also found marine magnetic anomalies, or differences, on the sea floor. The anomalies are changes, or switches, in the north and south polarity of the magnetic rock of the seafloor. Scientists discovered that the switches make a striped pattern of the positive and negative magnetic anomalies: one segment, or stripe, is positive, and the segment next to it is negative. The stripes are parallel to the mid-ocean ridge crest, and the pattern is the same on both sides of that crest. Scientists could not explain the cause of these anomalies until they discovered that the earth’s magnetic field periodically reverses direction.

Hess observed that mid way between America and Africa, there is a mid oceanic ridge (submarine volcano) . He studied the rocks from this mild oceanic ridge to the coast of North America and found that away from the Mid oceanic ridge must be displacing at the mid oceanic ridge must be displacing away the older rocks leading to the “ spreading “ of the Atlantic floor hence the term sea floor spreading.


To explain how sea floor spreading takes place Hess suggested that the earth’s interior (mantle) behaves some what like a giant convection system. Materials heated by radioactive elements on the earth’s interior slowly rise the lisosphere).

This magma reaches the surface out along mid oceanic ridges and spreads out horizontally beneath the ocean floor causing lifting, New rock emerging from the ridges attaches itself to the rear of the older rocks and force them along laterally causing the floor of the sea to spread (expand) hence the theory of sea floor spreading, Thus can be illustrated in the diagram below.



Diagram showing how plates move.

There were two criticisms of Sea Floor Spreading. One of them is that the theory only explains the formation of Atlantic ocean basin. Secondly, although the theory was explained using convection currents, it concentrated on rock displacement not the transportation of plates by currents.

How the theory of plate tectonics and sea floor spreading to explain the evolution of major structural and relief

This theory attempts to explain how continents are ruptured by thermal convective currents rising from beneath ocean ridges.

Because of opposing tensional forces, rifting is caused, earthquakes are generated beneath the ridges and new crustal material is emitted into the cracks created by lateral drifting of the raptured continental blocks. This raptured material is spread over the ocean floor as new oceanic crust.

Candidate should then use the above background knowledge to explain the evolution of East African landforms.

Thermal convection within the mantle is responsible for the rupture of continental blocks. It is at such points of rupture that molten rock (magma) is ejected onto the surface of the earth or trapped within the crust. This process is known as vulcanicity.

Draw a diagram to illustrate the above i.e. a volcano.

N.B. The candidate should then cite 'volcanic landscapes e. g.

· side vent or parasitic cone or secondly cone or subsidiary cone for example on Muhavura in south western Uganda.

· Crater containing Lake for example lake Ngozi near Mbeya in Tanzania.

· Composite volcanic cone of layers of ash and larva for example Mt. Meru. Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Elgon.

· Lava flow on Mt. Kenya.

· Steam and gas jets for example Mt. Longonot in Kenya.

· Volcanic Neck (the hard rock or plug that remains, while much of the rest has been eroded away) for example Batian and Nelion Peaks on Mt. Kenya and Mt.. Torero in Uganda.

· Lava sheet which has welled up along a fault line for example Aberdare Mts. in Kenya.

· Caldera for example Mt. Longonot in Kenya.

· Ring crater the raised rim is made up of ash and cinder for example Lake Katwe western Uganda.

· Explosion crater for example many exist in between Elizabeth National Park, Western Uganda.

· Ash and Cinder cones for example lowland area near the Mufumbiro Ranges in Uganda.

· Batholith for example at Singo in Uganda. Tanganyika batholith in Tanzania.

· Dyke - an intrusion of lava across a bedding plains in Turkana in Kenya.

N.B. A few examples of the above features can do.

Where lateral forces are responsible for tensional forces which cause faulting. Then illustrate how faulting takes place through tensional and compressional theories diagrammatically. The candidate should then cite examples of landforms due to faulting. These include the followings:

Block mountains or Horsts- for example Ruwenzori in Uganda Usambara Mts., the Ulugurus, Mbeya, Range and the Iramha Plateau all of which are found in Tanzania.

· Fault - Escarpments for example Manyara in Tanzania and Butiaba in Uganda,

· Fault scarps for example Elgayo scarp in Kenya and Chunya scarp in southern Tanzania.

· Rift Valleys for example western Rift and the Gregory Rift.

· Waterfalls for example Karuma and Murchison falls in Uganda and Nyahururu falls in Kenya.

· Fault Guided valleys for example Aswa in northern Uganda, Kerio, Ewaso Ngiro, and Melawa in Kenya. In Tanzania they include: Mzimu and Nglumi rivers.

· Rift valley lakes for example Tanganyika in Tanzania, Albert in Uganda and Turkana in Kenya.

· Reversal of drainage - for example Kafu and Katonga rivers in Uganda and Kagera river which begins in Rwanda.

· Rejuvenated River valleys for example the Sine river in Tanzania, the Mwachi river in Kenya


IDevice Icon 5: Discuss the theories of continental drift. What are the evidences to justify continental drift?
A theory is a statement or group of statements established by reasoned arguments and intended to explain a particular fact or event. The explanation still needs proof but nevertheless it appears reasonable.


The Earth's surface is made up of continents and ocean basins. Several theories have been advanced to explain the origins of continents and ocean basins. Some theories do not relate to lateral (horizontal) movement of the crust. They include Isostasy, Tetrahedral and Moon theories. Other theories deal with small and large scale horizontal movements of the crust. These collectively fall under continental drift. They include the theories of Wegener and Taylor as well as the "expanding Earth", "sea floor-spreading" and "plate-tectonics" theories. These are the theories to be discussed in this question.

Continental drift is a hypothesis that states that continental masses have changed their relative positions as a result of fragmentation and moving apart of original land masses. It is now widely believed that continents moved through time and are still moving even today. Several theories of continental drift have been advanced as discussed below.

The expanding Earth theory is one of those theories. According to the theory, the Earth was at one time a small planet with a thin continental layer at the surface. The interior of the Earth expanded and forced the outer crust to crack. The crust was therefore divided into separate crustal blocks (continents). As the Earth continued to expand, the cracks widened and the gaps grew wider as crustal blocks moved away from each other. The widening gaps became oceans, while the crustal blocks became continents.

(Note: This theory was originally advanced to explain distribution of oceans and basins but since it involves horizontal movement of the crust, it can also pass as a theory of continental drift).

In 1910, F.B. Taylor came up with another theory of continental drift. According to this theory, originally there were two big land masses, namely, Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Laurasia was located near the present day North Pole from where it later drifted southwards towards the equator. Gondwanaland was located somewhere near the South Pole and it also drifted but this Time northwards towards the equator. Where there was resistance, the crust experienced uneven flow and at times formed mountains. In some cases, the crust stretched and split forming troughs that became ocean basins, Taylor suggested that the basins of the Atlantic and Indian oceans were left behind between the drifting continents.

Taylor explained the force that caused the movement in terms of the Moon's gravitational pull. He contended that the moon came very close to the Earlh and exerted an enormous gravitational pull that caused Laurasia and Gondwanaland to move towards the equator away from their positions near the poles. The movement is said to have taken place some time in the cretaceous period, about 135-70 million years ago.

According to Taylor when Laurasia and Gondwanatand met, the Atlas and Alpine fold mountains were formed, Taylor's theory, however seems to have some weaknesses, In the first place, it does not explain the formation of earlier fold mountains like the Caledonian system of Siluro-Devonian times and the Hercynian system of Mid-Permian and Carboniferous periods. In the- second place, it seems highly doubtable that the moon could ever exert enough force to pull the gigantic continents.

In 1915, Alfred Wegener, a German Climatologist and Geophysicist published a book titled 'Origin of continents and ocean basins' in which he argued that, continents had changed their positions over time. This led to what is now known as Wegener's theory of continental drift. According to this theory, the present day continents originated from one land mass known as "Pangaea", This single-sialic land mass is thought to have been positioned somewhere near the south pole and was surrounded by a big expanse of water known as "Panthalassa". This land mass later split up into two super continents known as Laurasia (Atlantis) and Gondwanaland. The two were separated by a narrow water body known as the "Sea of Tethys". Wegener believed that Laurasia lay across the equator while Gondwanaland lay near the South Pole. Gondwanaland is believed to have experienced large scale glaciation during the Carboniferous period, that is, approximately 345-280 million years ago.

During the late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic eras, numerous cracks developed in the land masses leading to separation and consequent drifting. Finally during the cretaceous period, approximately 135-70 million years ago, the land masses completely broke up. Gondwanaland gave rise to the "Southern Continents", namely, Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia, the Sub-continent of India and the numerous islands in the southern hemisphere. Laurasia broke up to give rise to North America, Europe, Asia and other land masses in the northern hemisphere such as Greenland and Iceland, Wegener contends that the Himalayas were formed when the sub-continent of India collided with the Asian land mass.

Wegener suggested that breaking-up was due to centriftigal force but this explanation was dismissed by some geologists as unconvincing. Nevertheless his theory was exciting and was later followed up by other scholars.

Another attempt to explain continental drift is the sea floor-spreading theory. One of the modem theories of continental drift, the sea floor spreading theory is basically the work of a geologist by the names of H. Hess. It was propounded in the 1960s. According to Hess, the interior of the Earth is in a molten (semi-fluid) state because of great heat resulting from radioactivity and geo-chemical reactions.

This tremendous heat causes melting or near-melting of rocks of the interior of the Earth (mantle rocks). These molten and therefore mobile rocks tend to rise from within the mantle in form of convective current. As they reach the base of the Earth's crust, they flow horizontally beneath and drag the crust in the direction to which they are moving. This therefore causes movements of the crust, hence continental drift.

Where the current is moving towards the Earth's surface, new rocks are deposited. This is what happens at mid ocean ridges. The newly deposited rocks displace the old ones and the ocean floor therefore widens, that is, the sea floor spreads apart.


The theory of plate-tectonics is the most modem of all theories of continental drift, It is a development of the sea floor-spreading theory and other theories of continental drift. The theory presupposes that the Earth crust is divided into a number of blocks or rafts known as tectonic plates. These relatively light plates "float" and move on top of the Earth's interior. A plate is so rigid that if one part of it moves, the rest also moves as a unit. Consider, for example, a thin sheet of plywood laid out on a table. If you push one end of the rigid plywood, the whole of it will move. The plates are moved by the energy originating from the Earth's interior. Within the interior, there is intense heat originating from radioactivity and gee-chemical reactions. The heat tends to cause rock-melting so that molten rock facilitate convection and lateral movement of overlying plates. It should be remembered that continents form an integral part of the crustal plates and therefore as plates are transported by the convection current, the continents move with them. (This can be likened to logs moving on a glacier). In this way, continental drift slowly but steadily takes place.

There are several lines of evidence to prove that continental drift is a reality. Geometrical fit of coastlines (Jig-saw fit) is one of the earliest evidences. It has been studied and observed that some coastlines on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean are so similar that the similarity can not be a result of pure coincidence. The west coast of Africa, for example, can fit into the east coast of South America. The Atlantic Ocean between the two continents is even almost symmetrically divided into two by the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge. This seems to suggest that South America and Africa were formerly one land mass which was torn apart along the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge to give rise to this similarity of coastlines.

Similarity of rocks is another evidence used to justify continental drift. There are remarkable similarities between rocks found in different land masses of the southern continents. In Africa, the rocks of Ghana and Cameroon share common characteristics with those of Brazil in South America. This suggests that Africa and South America were formerly one land mass but later drifted apart with the similar rocks drifting along on each of the continents.

Studies from palaeoclimatology have provided farther evidence that justifies continental drift. This is in connection with glacial deposits. Carboniferous glacial deposits exist in tropical and subtropical lowlands. They, for example, exist in Congo basin and in Southern Africa where they are known as the Dwyka lillites. The existence of these deposits in tropical and therefore hot lowlands is sure proof that land masses must have at one time been positioned in cooler latitudes where glacial conditions existed. (Note that glaciation can only occur either in very high latitudes or altitudes but not in hot low latitude and altitude environments). It has also been observed that all southern continents have signs of glaciation. This suggests that these continents were formerly joined together and experienced common glaciation, most likely during the Carboniferous period, before they started drifting apart.

The occurrence of laterite in North America and certain parts of Europe shows that these regions once upon a time enjoyed tropical climatic conditions which were conducive to the formation of laterite. (Note that laterites form under hot, dry and wet conditions of the tropical lands). The laterite could have formed when Laurasia was still lying astride the equator. Therefore, the location of laterite in a cold place suggests that such environments moved from wanner positions which movement is clearly indicative of continental drift.

The existence of coral reefs in cold Greenland is another sure proof to back up continental drift. Coral polyps and the resultant coral reefs only thrive in hot, tropical, marine environments. They do not essentially form in cold areas. Their existence in cold Greenland can only be explained by the fact that Greenland was at one time positioned in the hot tropical latitudes for corals to form. Greenland must therefore have moved from lower and warmer latitudes "carrying" with it the already formed reefs. That movement was a manifestation of continental drift

Similarity of oil beds is yet another evidence of continental drift. It has been found out, for example, that the oil beds of Brazil are the same as those of Angola This has been interpreted as being indicative of common origin and evolution of oil generating organisms. The two areas (Brazil and Angola) must have been one geological unit with common oil beds that drifted apart with each area "carrying" along with it the once shared oil beds. The separation and the movement involved was a manifestation of continental drift.

The existence of fold mountains justifies movement of plates and therefore continents. Fold mountains only form when there are compressional forces acting in the same direction. These mountains must have formed when crustal plates moved towards each other. The fact that crustal plates moved therefore proves that continents also moved and are perhaps still moving.

The existence of big amounts of salt evaporites in some cold parts of USA, Britain, Germany and Russia is another evidence of continental drift. Some water contains salts in solution and when the water evaporates, beds of these salts are left behind. Such rocks which are known as evaporites form under hot and dry conditions which currently are not possible in these cold areas. These evaporites are believed to have formed long ago when Laurasia was still enjoying hot and dry tropical conditions. This further proves that continents have moved away from their original positions.

Palaeomagnetism refers to ancient or fossil magnetism in rocks, it is established from geological laboratory research on rocks of the Earth's crust which are always magnetised by the Earth's magnetic field at the time of formation, Palaeomagnetism is based on the fact that igneous rocks when cooled retain or preserve some magnetic properties which at the time of magnetization, point to the Earth's North-South Poles. It follows that if young rocks are formed, they are magnetised and their magnetic poles point North and South at the time of magnetization. Research on rocks in India, Australia and South America has duly shown that magnetic lines in these rocks no longer point in a North-South direction as expected. This has led researchers to conclude that continents must have moved away from their original positions; such that in the process, they got twisted. It is as a result of this twisting that the magnetic lines deviated from the North-South orientation and now point in different directions.

Tectonic activity and instability is considered to be the most modern evidence of continental drift. It has been proved that the gap between Africa and South America gradually gets wider and at an average rate of about 4 cm/year. Similarly, the East African rift valley widens at an average rate of about 2-3 cm/year. If widens continues at this rate, then the eastern parts of Ethiopia and Kenya will at one time be torn off the rest of the African continent. Earthquakes and the processes of faulting and vulcanicity and the resultant landforms created are all signs of instability within the Earth's interior which ultimately causes movements within the crust and hence drifting of continents.

Conclusively, several theories have been advanced to explain continental drift. Like all theories, some of them suffer from defects and have been criticised, Others seem to be quite reasonable and even have scientific proof Modern evidence based on palaeomagnetism and movement of plates will definitely stand the test of time.