Problems Of Population Census

  • Inadequate reliable information:- Most people at the time of enumeration do not give the correct information.
  • Shortage of skills:-In most LDCs there is a shortage of skilled man power for carrying out the exercise
  • Conservatism of the population: Due to cultural practice some people do not want to be enumerated and as a result, they deliberately give wrong figures of their family sizes to the enumerators.
  • Inadequate equipment:- LDCs have problems of getting equipment needed to facilitate the census exercise.
  • Shortage of funds:- Census exercise is very expensive and needs a lot of money which in some cases may not be available to the LDCs.
  • Political Instability:- Due to political instability and insecurity in some places; people get displaced which makes it ,very difficult to count people in such an area.
  • Inaccessibility of some places:. Due to poor road network and under developed infrastructure, it is very difficult to reach some places. , Thus, when the population census is carried out some areas may remain uncovered.
  • Language problems:- Due to many languages spoken, it becomes difficult to communicate in all the languages during census time.
  • Political manipulation:- Sometimes, the population figures are deliberately manipulated by leaders for political reasons.