Factors which influence high fertility rates in LDCS.

i.            Communal attachments: In most societies, children are regarded highly for providing security, family labour and source of wealth,

ii.            Cultural values:- In most traditional societies, children are regarded as a source of respect, pride and prestige to their parents, Fertility rate is likely to be high in such societies because the wife who bears many children is regarded as the ideal one.

iii.            Low cost of child bearing: In LDCs, the cost of bringing up a child is low yet the benefits are many.

iv.            Low female education level: Most women in LDCs have low education and others are illiterate. In such Cases; 'the primarily role of a woman is merely to provide family labour and bear children. 

v.            Early marriage of women: In LDCs women tend to marry at very early young age when they are very. fertile especially in their teen years and twenties.

vi.            Poor social services: In the urban areas where education and 'health services are improved, fertility rates are low because the educated women tend to abandon their traditional beliefs and practice but in the rural areas where social' services are still poor, the fertility rates remain high.

vii.            Government policies: When the government emphasizes family planning and other health programmes, the fertility rate declines. But where the government neglects family planning and other health programmes, as in the case of most LDCs, the fertility rate rises.