The Sanctuary and the Covenant Ark (Exodus 25: 1-22)

From chapter 25 to 31 is a block of material concerned with the Tabernacle or Tent of Meeting, the box or Ark of the Covenant, the articles required for the Tabernacle, the calling and duties of the priests of the Tabernacle, and the sacrifices to be offered to God on the altar which was to be made for burnt-offerings. We shall look at one passage only, 25: 1-22.

In verses 1-8, Moses is commanded by God to tell the Israelites to make a sacred tent in which the sacred box, or Ark, of the Covenant was to be kept. In verses 10-22, detailed instructions are given about the making of the Ark. The stone tablets on which the laws had been engraved were o be kept in the ark. As the ark contained God’s word, it symbolized God’s presence with his people in the world.

We shall now leave the book of Exodus and turn to the book of Leviticus. The last passage read in Exodus 25: 1-22 will prepare us for four passages from Leviticus because the content of the Biblical writing which begins in Exodus 25 and continues to the end of that book and through Leviticus into the book of Numbers, is attempting to answer some very important questions.