Approach to the Holy God
How do sinful people organize
their whole life in the presence of the Holy God whose Holy word is permanently
with their community? How should men approach the Holy God, to show their
adoration, gratitude and proper fear of him? How may the people elected by God
to serve him become holy themselves?
In Exodus 19-24 the people
had been made aware of the power, majesty, moral goodness and beauty of God,
and they had committed themselves to obeying this God in the Covenant ceremony,
accepting the responsibilities of their election to be God's people. The
questions which now arose were about how to live as God's elected people, how
to worship in holiness and purity, and how to approach God without offending
him. In Exodus 25: 1-22 the first step is taken in trying to answer these
questions. The place where men meet with the presence of God is to be set apart
as holy. It is to be made with beautiful materials which are to be presented as
offerings. The Ark, which is to be kept in the Tabernacle, is to be covered
with gold with a lid of pure gold decorated with two protecting cherubim or
'winged creatures', also of gold. Only the most precious substance available is
fit to cover the box in which God's word is kept in the midst of the community.
The final verses of the book of Exodus describe the theophany in which God's
presence fills the Tabernacle with dazzling light (40:34-38).