The relevance of Jeremiah for modern Christians

A great message which Jeremiah has for modern Christians is the need for a personal relationship with God. His message prepares us for the teaching of the New Testament, that the greatest treasure that a person can find is the Kingdom of God (Matthew 13: 44). Through his call and his whole life, Jeremiah came to know that God is loving and caring and totally to be trusted. Jeremiah's teaching that each individual is responsible for his own behaviour before God applies today just as it did in the time of the prophet.

His concern to distinguish the true prophet from the false prophet is a warning to our time. The false prophets of modern society advocate what appear to be many easy ways to good times ahead, such as moral permissiveness, materialism, and attractive ideologies which offer quick results. There are also those who deny that ordinary people can do anything to influence the course of events which affect our lives. Jeremiah was convinced that what people and rulers did was of great importance in influencing the course of events. His condemnations of false religion and idolatry should challenge us to look for the modern versions of these. His courage and faithfulness remain an example to give strength to those who face opposition for standing against evil forces and practices in society.