The composition of the Psalms

Exact dating for individual psalms is impossible and really does not matter. There is no reason to doubt that there are Psalms in the Psalter which originated in the praises and prayers of David, who is described as a musician (1 Samuel 16 :23) and shown as a poet (2 Samuel 1 : 17-27). 2 Samuel 6: 5 shows David leading the joyful procession which took the Ark from Kiriath Jearim. In Solomon's Temple, worship was offered for about 360 years, between the time when it was built and the time it was destroyed by the Babylonians, and other psalms originated during this time. After the Babylonian exile, the Temple was rebuilt; the restoration of Temple worship certainly included the composition of more psalms and the renewed use of older ones. The period f"r the composition-of the Psalms in our Bible probably stretches over 600 or 700 years. We do not how the Psalms were collected together, however, or who made the final anthology which makes up the Psalter.