4: 1-7. Sons not slaves

In both Jewish and Gentile society, there was a distinct transition from childhood to manhood, marked by ceremonies. The young son of the richest man had no rights at all to the free use of his father's property while he was still a child. He was controlled by others until he reached maturity and had no more authority than a slave in his father's house. Paul relates this idea to Christian converts. The Jews had been enslaved to the Law and the Gentiles had been enslaved to pagan religion, spiritually like irresponsible children or slaves (4:3), but when they believed the Good News and had been redeemed by Jesus Christ from their spiritual slavery, God had given them the power of the Holy Spirit, enabling them to call him 'Father'. 'So, then, you are no longer a slave but a son. And since you are his son, God will give you all that he has for his sons' (4:7).