4:11-12. Warning against judging others
The word which James uses and which is translated as
'criticize' in the Good News Bible has the sense of speaking evil against
others, or speaking slander against those who are not there to defend
themselves. Paul uses the same verb in Romans 1 :30 and
2 Corinthians 12 :20, and it is also used in 1 Peter 2: 1. 'Back-biting' comes
from jealous
and cruel attitudes towards others. The warning of James in this passage
reminds us of the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 7: 1-5.
The reference to the Law may be taken to mean Jesus' great summary of the
Jewish Law (Mark 12:29-32). 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all
your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength ... Love your neighbor
as you love yourself.'