God is pre-existent. It is evident that His spirit was moving over water before he started his work of creation using commands (Genesis 1 :2).

God is the initiator of everything. He initiated the creation of whatever exists in the universe. God is omnipotent. In Genesis 1, He used the command of "Let there be ... " and it did happen the way he said it.

God is a planner for in Genesis 1; He is presented doing His creational work in an orderly way following the sequence of days. This meant that He had a work plan.

God is spiritual in nature. In Genesis 1, His spirit   moved over the water and by using commands, He is presented as invisible being.

God is three persons in one; the trinity. Evidently, He is quoted as saying "And now we will make human beings; they will be like and resemble us " This meant that He was not alone in the work of creation (Genesis 1:6).

God is a provider. He provided human beings with all kinds of grain and fruit for them to eat (Genesis 1:29).

God is a source of happiness by nature. He is presented being filled with joy after completing a given task during His creational activities.

God loves by nature. He showed His love to human beings by making them in His likeness and went on to give them everything they needed for their survival.

God is a worker. He worked for six days and rested on the seventh day and He is portrayed as having taken the soil and formed man out of it. (Genesis 1: 1-31 and 2:7).

He is the source of life. In Genesis 1, He gave life to whatever exists in the universe and in Genesis 2, He breathed a life giving breath into the nostrils of man and he began to live.

God is presented as being all knowing. In Genesis 1, He is portrayed as having known that human beings needed what to eat and provided all kinds of grain and fruit. In Genesis 2, He knew that it was not good for the man to live alone and formed a woman for him.

God is self existent. His origin remains unknown as the two chapters only showed how He began his work of creation without tracing His background.

By nature, God is a designer. His work of creation is presented as being perfectly good that it made Him pleased.

By nature, God is portrayed as the creator. Genesis 2 presents Him as a potter who took some soil from the ground and formed a man, birds and animals.

God is immortal by nature. Having created man in His own likeness, He warned him against eating the fruits of the tree of life that gives knowledge of what is good and bad.


Man is unique among the earthly creatures for he was made in the likeness of God meaning that he possessed some of His qualities (Genesis 1 :26).

Human beings are equal before God for they were made in God's image and the same time and given equal responsibilities in Genesis 1. In Genesis 2, he remained lonely until God formed a woman and brought her to him (Genesis 1 :26 and 2: 18-22).

Human beings at-e procreators for God blessed them to have many children so that their descendants would live all over the earth. This meant they had to produce children (Genesis 1 :28).

Human beings are co-creators with God for gave them the responsibility of bringing the world under their control and he was involved in naming birds and animals that God had formed (Genesis 1 :28 and 2: 19-20).

Man is a weak creature for in Genesis 2:7, God formed him from the soil he had taken from the ground.

By nature, man is a worker for they commanded to bring the world under their control through working and he was put in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and guard it (Genesis 1:28and 2:15).

Man is dependent on God. In Genesis 1:29, they had to depend on God's provisions of all kinds of grain and fruit and in Genesis 2: 18-20 the man had to depend on God when he needed a woman.

Man desires companionship for he was lonely before the woman was made from his own rib (Genesis 2: 18-22) .

By nature, man is a supreme being for God put him in charge of His other creatures particular the fish, the birds and all the wild animals (Genesis 1 :28).

By nature, man is knowledgeable. He had to differentiate between good and bad for he was aware that eating the forbidden fruit would make him die the same day (Genesis 2: 16-17).

Man is immortal. God warned him that he would only lose his immortality by eating the forbidden fruits (Genesis 2: 17).

Revision Questions

Comment on the nature of:

(a) God

(b) Man as presented in Genesis 1 and 2