God pronounced judgment and punishment on all the parties
involved in eating of the forbidden fruit. The man, the woman and the snake all
paid for their roles in this incidence.
He increased the woman's troubles during pregnancy and
experience of pain when giving birth. Besides, God made the woman more
miserable for she would have special desire for her husband.
The woman was made subjective to her husband. She had to
be submissive to him meaning that the man would hold dominance over her.
God brought hatred between the woman and the snake for
their offspring would be enemies. The woman's offspring would crush their heads
and in the same they would bite their heels.
God put the soil under a curse for man's survival for it
would produce weeds and thorns thus making it difficult for man to work.
Man was condemned to work all his life in order to get
something to eat. This meant that work which was originally a blessing had now
become a curse.
Man lost his mortality and from then on, he would work
hard and sweat until he would go back to the soil from which he was made thus
he would become soil again.
God cursed the man into eating wild plants in order to
survive. This meant that he lost the free provision from God.
Both the man and the woman were chased out of the Garden
of Eden implying that they were now on their own without God's presence.
The man and woman lost their state of innocence for they
were given understanding and they came to realize that they were naked.
The good relationship that man and woman enjoyed before
came to a halt. He blamed her for leading him into eating the forbidden fruit.
The good relationship between man and God also came to an
end. They started fearing Him that they hid away from Him.
The snake was cursed into crawling on its belly from
among all creatures. This seems to suggest that probably the snake had legs.
Besides, God cursed the snake into eating dust as long as
it lived for having misled the woman into eating the forbidden fruit.
Sin makes something appear attractive, persuasive, and
pleasurable the same way the forbidden fruit appeared good for eating to the
Sin tends to create a sense of guilt in a person who is
in the wrong. It was this guilty conscience that forced Adam and Eve into
Sin destroys the existing good relationship between
people evident by Adam turning to and blaming his wife for having given him the
forbidden fruit to eat.
Sin deprives a person of the correct sense of judgement.
However, one only realizes after having committed an offense already.
Besides, it deprives a person of the sense of human
dignity. Adam and Eve realized that they were naked thus they became ashamed of
It makes man sad and insecure for Adam and Eve lost their
happiness and dashed into hiding among the tree in the Garden of Eden.
Sin makes a person helpless to defend and redeem the self
from his or her wrong actions. Adam failed to defend himself before God and
instead pointed an accusing finger to Eve.
Sin is an act of disobedience for Adam and Eve disobeyed
the simple command that God had' given and ate the forbidden fruit.
Sin is judged and punishable proved by God's judgement
and punishment on all the parties involved in the fall of man.
It is an act of irresponsible behavior as Adam and Eve
failed in their duties as co-creators with God and allowed the snake to
Sin begins as an inner feeling before it is translated
into an action. The forbidden fruit looked good to the woman who responded by
eating it.
It tends to bring a person into understanding the self
better just like the man and the woman who were brought to an understanding and
the realization that they were naked.
continued sinfulness of human beings
• Worshipping
idols instead of God
• Committing
• Sexual
• Involving in
• Lying or
making empty promises
• Being
• Divorce in
• Discriminating
each other
• Invention of
destructive weapons
• Fierce hatred
of one another
• Environmental
• Alcoholism
• Domestic
• Corruption
and bribery
• Prayerlessness
The nature of God
and man as portrayed in the fall of man (Genesis 3:1-24)
God is all knowing for He knew that
Adam and Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit.
God is omnipresent as He was with Adam
and Eve in their hide out.
God is all seeing for He followed Adam
and Eve to their hiding place.
He is patient for He gave time to both
Adam and Eve to explain themselves.
God is forgiving He forgave Adam and
Eve despite eating the forbidden fruit.
He judges all that people do.
He is immortal for He pronounced death
on Adam and Eve.
God is omnipotent as He spoke with
God loves. He showed His love to Adam
and Eve by clothing them.
God punishes any form of evil.
God is merciful as He continued
relating with Adam and Eve.
· God
is righteous for He punished Adam and Eve for wrong deeds.
He is holy and cannot tolerate acts of
He is righteous.
Man is greedy
Man is a betrayer
Man is proud and arrogant
Man is selfish
Man is easily tempted
Man is disrespectful
Man is a liar
Man is disobedient
Man is rebellious
He is unfaithful
Man is unrepentant
He seeks
• Jesus died on
the cross for the sins all
• It calls for
repentance in order for one to be put right.
• Sin is
personal that each individual is accountable for
• Any sin is
judged from the heavenly kingdom
• All human
beings are sinners before God
• It puts a
person's faith to a test
• Every
believer would be given chance to denounce his or her sin
• It is an act
of human disobedience
• Jesus came
for all sinners so that they may obtain salvation.
• Sins are very
attractive and pleasurable
• Sin corrodes
the soul of a person
• It destroys
the good relationship between man and God
• Sin defiles
one's holiness and the bodies of the believers.
• Sin can be
forgiven especially if a person is able to realize his or her mistakes.
Christians learn from the fall of man in Genesis 3
Christians should be satisfied with their own possession.
Adam and Eve sinned by being greedy by eating the forbidden fruit.
Christians should speak the truth. Adam and Eve lied to
God that they had hidden because they were naked and afraid of him.
Christians should pray to God for whatever they need in
their lives. Adam and Eve acted independently and ended up sinning.
Christians should obey the rules and regulations that
govern the society. Adam and Eve disobeyed God's and were judged and punished.
Christian should repent of their sins so that they can be
put right with God. Adam and Eve tried to justify their wrong deeds.
Christians should humble themselves before the people
they serve. Adam was proud and arrogant to God.
Christians should treat each other equally taking the
example of God who punished all the parties involved in the eating of the
forbidden fruit.
Christians should forgive one another taking the example
of God who forgave despite their acts of disobedience.
They should continue loving each other even when they
have disagreed. God showed His love to Adam and Eve by clothing them.
Christians should trust God's provision for Adam and Eve
lacked trust in the fruit God had given them and ate the one He had forbidden
Christians should serve God faithfully unlike Adam and
Eve who became unfaithful to Him by disobeying His commands.
They were called upon to worship only God unlike Adam and
Eve who seemed to have worshipped an earthly creature, the snake.
There is need for Christians to listen to the people they
are serving like God who listened to both Adam and Eve as they tried to justify
their wrong deeds.
Christians should seek God's guidance before doing
anything. Adam and Eve acted independent of God and ended up sinning.
Christians should accept their mistakes unlike Adam and
Eve who failed to realize and accept their mistakes.
Christians should be patient with one another. God
patiently waited for Adam and Eve to explain themselves before pronouncing his
Consequences of the fall of Man on Christians Today
• Death has
continued to occur
• Man toils for
• Domestic violence
is common
• Women
experience labour pain
• Some people
tend to blame others for their wrong deeds
• Some women
are submissive to men
• People's
crops are affected by bad weather.
• Some people
eat wild fruits
• Disharmony in
the society
• National
calamities like floods and landslides
• Some have
continued to be unrepentant
• HU11fan
beings are enemies to wild creatures
• Some people
take work as a curse as they tend to over complain
sins in the building of the tower of Babylon
By attempting to build the tower of Babylon, man sinned
against God in the following ways:
It was a sin for self pride for the builders thought of
making a name for themselves through their construction.
The builders were equally selfish as they came up with their
plan of building a tower without sharing it with their own creator.
The builders sought equality with God for they wanted to
build the tower that would help them reach the sky.
Besides, they tried to run away from his responsibility
of taking care of the earth by their thought of going to live in the sky.
The builders trusted their own wisdom to do a lot more
for themselves instead of trusting God's guidance.
The builders v ere greedy for they could have felt that
what God had done for them was insufficient thus the desire for doing something
on own their own.
The builders disobeyed God's command who wanted human
beings to have many children so that their descendants would live all over the
The builders forged unity among themselves by their
thought that the construction programme was the only way of uniting them.
The builders abused work which was a blessing from God
who disapproved of their building by destroying it and mixing their languages.
The builders acted independently of God and failed to
realize that they needed to have involved Him in their work plan.
The builders misused the freedom that God had given them
to something that turned out to be meaningless as God destroyed the building in
disapproval of their work.
The builders were idle at the time they developed their
plan. They had been wandering bout before se ling in a plain of Babylonia.
Man misused the God given resources; the soil which they
make into bricks, but which did not do any constructive work as the building was
relevance of building the tower of Babylon to modern Christians
• Christians
should be contented with what they have
• Christians
should fulfill their responsibilities
• Christians
should consult God before doing anything
• Christians
should keep themselves busy most of the times
• Christians
should seek wisdom from God
• Christians
should serve God with humility
• Christian
should be honest in whatever they do
• Christian
should use their tongues carefully
• Christian
should repent of their sins
• Christians
should protect their environment
• Christians
should be truly united