Sacrifices were believed to prevent future misfortunes. The Akamba and Kikuyu of Kenya offered
sacrifices if they expected any misfortunes from God or any spiritual being
It helped the people mark and remember important occasions
like marriage ceremonies. This was done to involve spiritual beings in the
affairs of the living
It was a means through which people could make and renew
their contact in the spiritual world. Through sacrifices, the Africans could
ask for blessings in their work from their ancestors. This could be in form of
cultivation or victory in wars.
It was an important aspect of reconciliation and
forgiveness especially in the event where blood relationships had been broken.
Sacrifices were used for purification or cleansing a
person from his or her wrong deeds like incest so as to avoid punishment from
the ancestors.
Sacrifices were important in worshiping God and other
spiritual beings. They showed peoples' faith in the Supreme Being.
They catered for the wellbeing of people as some served
as food like the Karamojong of north eastern Uganda and the Asante of West
They were used as means of communication between the
living and the spiritual world through the departed members.