(Leviticus 11: 1 f1)
These were regulations that the people of Israel had to
follow In respect to their diet so as maintain their holiness in their
relationship with God.
God gave these rules to Moses and Aaron sq that they
could guide the people of Israel.
These laws required the people of Israel to exclude some
animals, birds, and insects from their diet in order to maintain their
Therefore, eating of the forbidden or prohibited food
item could make a person unclean spiritually thus separating such a person from
God and the rest.
Such animals, birds, and insects that fell under
different categories included:
Any land animals with divided hoofs
and could chew cud was clean to be eaten. They included goats, sheep and cattle
among others.
However, any animal that could chew
cud but did not have divided hoofs was unclean for human consumption. For
example, c~mels and rabbits.
In the same way, animals with divided
hoofs but which could not chew cud were declared unclean to be eaten. Such
animals included pigs.
The people of Israel were not allowed
to eat or even touch the bodies of the prohibited animals as they were
considered unclean.
The people of Israel were allowed to eat
any kind of fish having fins and scales.
However, anything living in water
without scales and fins was unclean for the people to eat. They were even
prohibited from touching their dead bodies.
Birds like pigeons and doves were
clean and therefore fit for human consumption.
However, birds like eagles, ostriches
and owls or bats were unclean for the people of Israel to eat.
Winged insects that could hop were
declared clean for human consumption. Such included locusts, crickets and
However, all other small insects with
wings but could crawl as well were unclean to be eat.
Touching or carrying the dead of the
prohibited required that a person had to wash his clothes though he would still
remain unclean until evening.
Land creatures like moles, rats, mice
and lizards were considered unclean and excluded from the people's diet.
Any clean animal which had a natural
death became unclean. Therefore, the people were not to eat it or even touch
the dead body.
Israelites were forbidden from eating
any small insect that could move on the ground.
Whether they could crawl, or walk on
four legs or had many legs, they were unclean.
Moses proceeded to warn the people of
Israel to keep themselves holy because their God was holy.
Other Circumstances under which a Person became Unclean
in Israel
• Bodily
discharge from men (Leviticus 15: 1 ff)
• Experiencing
menstruation (Leviticus 15: 19ft)
• Giving birth
(Leviticus 12:7)
• Having sexual
intercourse during menstruation period
• Marrying
foreigners or non-Jews
• Worshiping
• Incest
• Bestiality
• Homosexuality
Jesus taught about clean and unclean foods when the
Pharisees questioned him why some of his disciples were eating food without
washing their hands.
The Pharisees maintained that eating with unclean hands
meant that a person became ritually unclean.
Besides, eating anything whether from the market without
first washing hands was ritually unclean. Therefore, to the Pharisees, Jesus
and his disciples were breaking their traditions.
On this occasion, Jesus took the opportunity to teach
about what makes a person ritually unclean. Jesus went ahead to challenge his
disciples for their failure to understand and having the same views like the
Jesus declared that nothing that goes into a person from
the outside can make him unclean.
He emphasized that what goes into a person from the
outside goes into the stomach and eventually comes out of the body.
Jesus echoed the fact that what comes out of a person's
heart is what makes him or her ritually unclean.
Jesus went on to declare that all types of food are fit
to be eaten whether with clean or unclean hands.
He emphasized that it is what comes out of a person's
heart that makes him unclean pointing out that all evil ideas are in one's
Jesus observed that immoral things like killing, robbing,
greed and jealousy among others make a person unclean.
Jesus showed that eating food is a normal process which
is necessary and important for the survival of the physical body.
He emphasized that faith is what matters in the spiritual
growth of a person but not following laws or traditions.
Saint Paul also taught about the freedom of the human
conscience and allows all types of foods to be eaten when teaching about food
offered to idols (1 Corinthians 8: 1 ff).
Saint Paul declared that eating food offered to idols had
no harm on a person for he said that an idol is something that does not exist.
However, he warned that if consumption of such a food
would make a person weak in faith, then he or she should stay away from it.
Revision Questions
1. How were food
prohibitions a form of approach to God?
2. Analyze Jesus'
teaching about what makes a person ritually unclean