Change in the New Testament.
The coming of Jesus was a new and unexpected change, which was initiated by God in the World. 'The coming of Jesus was followed by great changes in the World so much so that after his death and resurrection, a religion called Christianity started and is based on the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ.
The coming of Jesus introduced a change in God's dealings with mankind. From then all, God started dealing directly with each individual unlike the Old Testament times when God used to deal with the Israelites through prophets,
Jesus brought many spiritual changes amongst the people. He called for a renewal of heart or a change of heart. He called upon his followers to become new kinds people full of love for God and fellow men.
He called upon sinners to repent, change from their sins and receive the gift of salvation. Zacchaeus was a sinner who changed into a believer (Luke 19; 1-9). The sinful Samaritan woman was called to change John 4: 1-26) etc.
Jesus called upon men to become agents of change. He called Peter, James, John, Andrew and others to follow him and become his disciples. He called upon- them to leave their homes, property,' relatives and business in order to follow him, He changed them from being simple fishermen to great preachers and miracle workers. He called upon h1s disciples to become agents of change. "Go preach and baptise (Mark 16: 15). i.e. Go and cause spiritual changes.
In Mathew 11: 2-6, we learn that Jesus' mission was to change the circumstances of human beings for the better. His work produced several physical changes among people. For example, he changed the peoples' health by curing diseases. He cured the lame, the blind, the deaf etc thereby producing great physical changes.
The physical changes Jesus produced among people were part and parcel of his total programme of salvation for mankind. His mercy Jar the sick was a great change because before his coming, the sick were taken to be unclean by the Pharisees and other teachers of the law.
Another spiritual change Jesus called for was/is change from selfishness to love. He had mercy on the poor, the widows, the women, children and all the marginalised members of society.
By doing this, he practically taught his followers to love one another.
In Mathew 13, Jesus told several parables about the kingdom of God. These parables are related to change.
Jesus called upon his disciples to love their fellow men to the extent of giving up one's life for others (John 15:13) as Jesus himself did (John 13:34-35).
In Mathew 13:1-9, he told the parable of a sower who plants seeds which grow into strong plants despite the different obstacles some seeds face. By this parable Jesus meant that the Kingdom of God could produce great changes amongst people, despite the difficulties encountered by the preachers.
In Mathew 13:,13-14, Jesus warned against some people who hate the gospel imply because it demands too many changes.
In Mathew 13:31-32, he told the parable of the mustard seed to show that the Kingdom of God is open to all human beings and that it has the power to change human lives.
The Kingdom of God begins. in a small and insignificant way but changes into a big Kingdom. Even the growth within faith can start-slowly and later one can become a very strong Christian in faith.
In Luke 10: 25-37, Jesus told a story of a wounded man whom his fellow Jews including a priest failed to help simply because they feared to break the law. A Good Samaritan who had pity, mercy and love for him instead helped the wounded man. This story, Jesus was calling for change from the rigid and unhelpful laws of the Old Testament to his new law of love. Other rigid laws included the law of divorce.
In Mathew 2:31-46, God will judge every man depending on the actions of love and mercy he did. So, Jesus calls for love of one's neighbour. Note that anyone in problems and anyone who gives help are neighbours.
Jesus requires a change from hatred to love, selfishness to co-operation, enmity to reconciliation, a change to forgiveness, unity etc. These are the changes, which the gospel requires out of men who accept it.
Jesus calls for change from discrimination between the rich and poor, Jews and Samaritans, men and women etc. He calls for respect of one another and living . together as brothers and sisters.
Jesus died and resurrected which was a great change that he brought. This is a change, which all the followers-of Jesus will experience.
In Ephesians 2: 11-22, Paul talked about the changed life which the Ephesians were living. It was a new kind of life given by God's power working through them.
In the various letters of the New Testament, love and unity are the changes, 'which are called for by the various apostles. For example, read 1 Corinthians 12 and 13; 1Peter 2:11-24; Galatians 5:13-15: James 2: 8-13; Romans 12: 9-13 and 13:8-10.
Change is not necessarily good or bad. It may or may not benefit man. Some changes have to be accepted others while be resisted and others have to be scrutinised. Some changes have to be initiated.
As long as we live, we shall encounter mote changes in all areas of life. So a question can be given to a student from any new change in the present situation or the past.