Topic 1: Living In a Changing Society.

We live in a rapidly changing society, The world as a whole, the African country Uganda, your home district, hometown, village, school and family are undergoing, several changes. This means that change is within' us and

It is a fact of life and a continuous process.

 Change can be defined as anything, which is new or different from what has been taking place. It is a step-by-step process by which new models, new ideas, new systems and new people are introduced to replace or improve on the old ones. Also, change is a transformation and movement forward or backward.

Some changes are artificial or voluntary (brought about by .man) while others are natural or involuntary (take place' according to God's arrangement).

Some changes are slow and gradual while others are sudden. For example dying of AIDS is slow and gradual while dying of an accident is a sudden change.

Some changes are good while others are bad. This implies that whenever a change' occurs, we have to evaluate it in order to find out its benefits and disadvantages to an individual' and to society in general.

Change may affect different people differently depending on one's age, sex, religious, educational, family and political background. ,.

All revolutions are characterised by changes but not all changes are revolutions.