Changes in the Present Situation
All news is about the changes, which are taking place in the world on a yearly, monthly, weekly and daily basis. Nowadays, changes are numerous, very fast and rapid. These changes affect us, whether we are aware of it or not.
KINGS OF UGANDA pose with British Governor.
From left: Bunyoro’s Tito Winyi II, Buganda’s Edward Mutesa II, Sir
Andrew Cohen, Ankole’s Edward Gasyonga II, Toro’s George Rukidi III.
Changes in
the Ugandan society since independence
These are so many and cannot be discussed in details. A student is advised to discuss them with his/her teacher or fellow students and find out the advantages and disadvantages of such changes if any.
Political changes.
Ugandans received independence from their colonial masters - the British, in 1962. Since then, the politics of this country has been in the hands of Ugandans.
Milton Obote in a jovial mood with his UPC team on independence day
There has been a change of presidents, with each new president bringing new policies and systems of administration.
Formation of political parties like D.P (Democratic Party), U.P.C, C.P, NRM, etc.
A change from Multi-party politics to the movement system of governance and a constitutional ban on all party activities in the 1990s.
President Yoweri museveni with Uganda's former Heads of State
A change from peace to anarchy, then back to peace, then anarchy in some parts of Uganda.
Abolition of Kingdoms and later the restoration of Kingship to Buganda, Busoga, Bunyoro , Toro.
Women participation in politics and leadership-at different levels.
The introduction of politicization classes or courses locally known as Chaka Mchaka.
Ugandans have gone through a number of elections through which they have learnt to exercise their political rights e.g. the 1980 presidential elections, the 1994 constituent Assembly elections, the 1996 parliamentary and presidential elections, the referendum etc.
A change from the old to a new constitution that bears a number of reforms.
The emergence of terrorist groups, rebel groups etc.
Economic changes.
There has been a great improvement on the infrastructure of this country. New roads have been constructed and old ones repaired.
Financial institutions such as Banks an forex Bureaus have been established. E.g. Crane Bank, stanbic Bank, Centenary Rural Dev't Bank.
There has been closure of some Banks such as Trans Africa Bank, International Credit Bank Ltd, Green Land Bank Ltd. and Co-operative Bank.
The Asians who were expelled from Uganda in 1972 by Idi Amin are now backs in he same country.
Efforts towards regional economic' integration have been made as exemplified by Uganda's membership in the East African Community the P.T.A. (preferential Trade Area) COMESA (Common market for eastern and south Africa), the East African co-operation and so on.
Industrial growth. Everywhere, Ugandans and foreign investors are putting up small- scale' and large scale manufacturing plants/factories.
A spirit of corruption and bribery has come in the hearts and minds of Ugandans.
There has cropped up the policy of privatization of the previously state owned corporations and companies.
Retrenchment of civil servants has also come in during the period after independence. This has led to unemployment, abject poverty, increased crime and corruption.
Various taxes such as C.T.L., VAT have been witnessed.
Formation of commercial organs such as Uganda Manufacturers Association, Uganda Revenue Authority and Uganda Investment Authority.
"Entandikwa" scheme; Lotteries and inflation are some of the changes.
Social changes
There has been great population increase year after year. Formation of a number of new private schools right from Nursery level to university level.
There has been introduction of Universal Primary Education (U.P.E) and Universal Secondary Education (USE) is in the pipeline.
There is cost sharing and, or "self sponsorship" at government Universities and, colleges unlike before when it was the responsibility of the state to pay the tuition of University and College students.
The social status of women is no longer that of inferiority to men but that of "equality" to men. (The struggle for women emancipation)
Separations and divorces are on a great increase unlike before independence.
A new social group - that of street children, has cropped up.
There has been great practice of family planning.
Nuclear types of families have come up in towns and this has weakened the extended family spirit.
There is great immorality ill the name of child abuse, prostitution, cheating exams, all of which have escalated in the period after independence. The youths no longer respect elders.
Great emphasis has been put on human rights.
New diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B and nodding disease.
Religious changes
There is religious tolerance. The hatred between Catholics and Protestants then between Christians and Moslems is fading.
New religious denominations and sects have cropped up as well as a number of new preachers. New cults have been introduced with new beliefs and practices. The movement for the restoration of the Ten Commandments at Kanungu in Uganda led by Kibwetere where hundreds of people were burnt.
There is change from one religion to another e.g. From Islam and Catholicism to the saved group and vice versa.
Some Ugandans no longer trust God but trust their education, Science, Technology, money, witch craft etc.
Christianity is now being spread in local languages in all parts of the country.
Women are playing an active role in the evangelization process unlike before independence when it was on a small scale. (Female pastors)
Some religious leaders have become materialistic and are no longer serving their churches genuinely.
Look: A pastor of God in south Africa ordered them to chew grass. Is this the right way of worshipping?
There has been a mechanization of the methods of gospel preaching.
Loudspeakers are used; live gospel music has been introduced to meet the new demand of the youths etc.