Rural Urban Migration
This is the movement of people from rural areas to town centers for the following reasons.
People move to urban areas to seek for jobs. There is a serious belief among villagers that there are so many jobs ill the industrial belts, which happen to be within towns.
Some move to towns to get market for their products. They set up stores in towns where the population is big.
Some are running away from the insecurity, which characterizes most villages. This insecurity can be from robbers or rebels.
Some seek for the better educational facilities in Towns e.g. Makerere University is within the city.
Other social amenities such as hospitals, electricity and piped water are ill abundance in towns and absent in most villages.
Some are Aids victims who feel ashamed their home villages and come to hide in towns where the population is big. Some even want to infect others.
Some are criminals who want to hide in the big crowds of the towns and cities. In towns, no body cares.
Escaping from the primitive cultural sanctions such as female circumcision.
Also escape from witchcraft.
They want to enjoy leisure in towns where there are many nightclubs, careless girls and men who give sex on the demand spot.
Job transfers of public servants e.g. police officers make them move to different towns.
The problems face in towns.
In town, no body cares about the other. So, they soon become individualistic and selfish.
In towns, the jobs are scarce. They move up and down looking for jobs At times they fail and become unemployed. This produces frustrations. Even those who get poor paying jobs become frustrated and resort to over drinking.
Lack of jobs leads women into urban prostitution in order to survive. This leads to diseases, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, loss of dignity and at times death.
For men, they start gambling; pick pocketing and stealing. It leads to' the coming up of street children who have no precise work but who can't return home. Note that there are a growing number of street men and women (prostitutes)
In towns, people are too obscene. The new migrants to towns soon stare speaking vulgar languages!
There is too much permissiveness in towns that leads not only to loss of culture but also to loss of religion and self-control.
There is too much witchcraft in towns. So people change and start bewitching each other in order to get customers, to stay longer on their jobs, to get marriage partners etc.
Accommodation is difficult and expensive. This makes most migrants to stay in cheap but dirty and crowded slums where crime and disease are the order of the day e.g. Cholera.
There is too much smoking of drugs and violence in which one gets tempted to participate.'
Once in towns, people become irresponsible parents who can't bring up their children in a disciplined manner as village children are brought up.
There is a high cost of living in towns. Everything including water, toilet services, banana leaves etc are paid for. This makes most town dwellers to grow old without building personal houses- yet in villages almost every one can build.
Advantages rural urban migration
Rural urban migration ensures constant supply of cheap unskilled labour to industrialists
The big population in Towns provides ready and quick Market for agricultural and industrial products.
The bigger the population, the higher the security. Most robbers fear to operate in densely populated areas?
It allows the mixing of people of various cultures, which leads to tolerance of people of other tribes.
It trains most people to work hard. In town, if you do not work you will surely find it hard to get what to eat.
It leads to improved infrastructure e.g. roads, schools, and hospitals.
Government gets much revenue from town dwellers since the majority can afford to pay taxes.
When most town dwellers get money, they invest most of it in villages in form of farming, setting up business centres and better houses etc.
Governments of Africa are so much concerned about the-increasing numbers in towns. So they have started putting up good schools, hospitals, roads etc. In villages to limit the rate of rural urban migration:
Town's 'folk encourage' women to work and liberate themselves from oppression by men. (Women emancipation Is higher in towns)