Criticisms of Nasser's reforms
1. Various reforms, social measures, expanded government services, improving the army and big irrigation projects expanded the volume of the yearly budget.
2. Huge development schemes fuelled the already inflationary tendency in the economy. Gold balances fell. Hence, just like Farouk, the revolutionary regime did not succeed to curb the problem of inflation in Egypt. Both were dogged by it.
3. The war in Yemen escalated Egypt's economic crisis. The war deprived Egypt of the USA financial assistance and food package. Hence by 1970, when Nasser died, the Egyptians were materially hardly better than they had been in 1952.
4. The 1952 revolution caused big expansion in the number of school- going children studying in state-owned schools. For instance, between 1952 - 70, pupils' enrolments increased threefold, and in the university, it increased by nearly five times.
5. The revolutionary government did not put the National Charter of 1962 to full use. This charter had called for the equal opportunities between men and women in every sphere of life.
6. Nasser's rule was a tough one i.e. dictatorial and authoritarian in character. For example, all newspapers, periodicals and some of the arts were placed under the control of the "National union" and later the National Assembly.
7. Nasser dealt so ruthlessly with his political enemies that he compared very well with Farouk whom the coup had deposed in July 1952.
8. The period immediately after the coup of 1952 was not stable in Egypt. For instance, factory employees in Alexandria staged a violent strike against the government.
9. In 1954, the RCC declared the state of emergency to deal with the political chaos which involved the Muslim brotherhood on one hand and the revolutionary government on the other side.
10. Furthermore, despite big assistance from the Soviet bloc, Nasser seriously oppressed people with communist outlook in Egypt. Many were put in prison at different time. Special operations were carried out against them nearly every year. This annoyed the Soviet leadership.
11. Not only that the 1956 constitution made by Nasser had some loopholes. It placed much power in the hands of the president. For example, the constitution provided for a president who could dissolve the Assembly, propose law, veto, pass laws, appoint and dismiss civil, diplomatic and military officers. Hence, the constitution only changed Nasser's title not his power.
National Movements and New States in Africa