Examples of indirect taxes.

1. Excise duties. This is a tax imposed on goods and consumed  locally within a given country e.g. in Uganda taxes on beer products, soft drinks, soap, cooking oil, cigarettes etc.

2.     Customs duty. This is a tax  imposed on goods coming in  or going out of  the country depending  on its volume and value.

  • Import duty. This is a tax imposed on imported goods and it depends on the value and volume of the commodities imported. Most import taxes are meant to raise foreign exchange for the government and also to protect local industries from foreign competitions.
  • (b) Export duty. These are taxes levied on goods going outside the producing country. Export duty is meant to raise revenue for the government and also discourage exports so as to satisfy the local demand first.

3.     Expenditure  tax. This is a tax payable on the expenditure of money on goods and services e.g. C.T.L. ( Commercial Transaction Levy)

4.     Purchases  sales tax. This is a tax  levied  to sellers  or manufacturers whenever they sell units  of their commodities

5.     Value Added Tax: VAT is a multi stage indirect tax imposed  on each sale through  the production and distribution and distribution cycle of goods  and services. VAT is a type  of Ad valorem  tax which is levied  on value added  at each stage  of production and distribution of goods and services.

Many  LDCs are advocating  for  VAT because  it is  broad based, it can't easily be avoided or  evaded since it is  multi stage, it is economical in terms of collection, and  lastly because  it is simpler and a fairer tax  compared  to sales tax.

6.     Turn over tax: This is a tax levied on the total sales  of a business regardless of the stage  of production and distribution.

7.     Sumthary tax: This is a tax imposed  on consumption of goods and services which are considered  undesirable  or harmful to society as a way  of discouraging their  consumption

8.     Octoro Tax: This is a tax imposed on goods  in transit from  one state  through the territory  of another state.