Determinants of investment decisions of a firm
A number of factors influence the investment decision of a firm:
Risks and Uncertainties:- High risks and uncertainty in a particular investment field will discourage the firm from investing there and vice versa
Economic climate :- A period of economic propriety will encourage the firm to invest while a recession or economic slump negatively influences the firm's decision to invest.
Cost of factor inputs :- low cost of raw materials, labour, capital etc attract firms to invest and vice versa.
Political climate:- A politically stable atmosphere induces investment by firms yet political instability and insecurity make firms to shy away from investment.
Profitability:- High profitability in an investable area stimulates investment by firms and low profitability discourages firms from investment.
Level of competition:- If competition in a particular field is low a firm any take a decision to invest in it and the other way round.
Government policy:- This too influences the firm's decision to invest through attracting or discouraging investment in certain fields.
Opportunity cost:- If the capital to be used in a given investment venture bears a lower opportunity cost, the firm will be induced to invest and vice versa.
The period it takes to recover the capital invested by the firm. If it takes a short period for the firm to recover the initial cost of capital invested, the firm is easily induced to invest.
The firm's capital reserve:- If the firm has a huge capital reserve, it is easy for it to decide to invest than if the firm has a meagre capital stock.