Research and discussion

IDevice Icon Activity

1. Show how Hosea uses the traditions of the Exodus and the period in the wilderness in his preaching to Israel.

2. Show how Hosea uses his marriage and family experience to portray his insight into the nature of God's love for Israel.

3. With reference to both Amos and Hosea, show how these two prophets interpreted the political situation in which each lived.

4. From the books of Amos and Hosea, list the examples given of the ways in which the covenant faith and Law was rejected or ignored in Israel.

5. Summarize the evidence from the prescribed chapters of Hosea for the continued practice of fertility worship and Baal worship in Israel.

6. In what ways is the teaching of Hosea valuable to a modern Christian?

7. Discuss the different meanings of the word 'love' in modern usage and give examples of how it can be used to mean different levels of emotion and attitude.

8. From any available newspaper or magazine, identify modern equivalents of Baal-worship in our society.