The various utterances in
this section present a picture of terrible deterioration in Israel's worship
and religious practices. Chapter 4: 11 and 18 refer to drunken orgies, perhaps
at religious festivals to celebrate the grape harvest; 4: 12, 4: 17, S: 4 refer
to the worship of idols; 4: 13-14 refers to pagan sacrifices (to Baal), and to
cult prostitutes involved in fertility worship. Men and women alike sin.
Chapter S: 6 reminds us of Amos 5 :21-23; God no longer wants the sacrifices
offered in his name. Not only the priests and people are condemned for their
sins, but also the royal family (S: 1). References to Judah as well as Israel
indicate that the political division of the people into two kingdoms has not
destroyed the idea of the people of God united in the covenant faith.