meaning of the covenant relationship is explained in terms of the blessings
which God will give to his people. They will live in a fertile land, full of
wells, vineyards and olive gardens. They will be given prosperous cities. The
land will be watered by rivers and springs and will produce wheat and barley,
grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and honey; even the rocks will produce iron
and copper (8: 7-9). The people will increase and flourish (7: 13).
The blessing and fulfillment
of their future life in the land to be given to the Israelites is compared with
the terrors of the wilderness which God has led them safely through. 'He led
you through that vast and terrifying desert where there were poisonous snakes
and scorpions. In that dry and waterless land he made water flow out of the
solid rock for you. In the desert he gave you manna to eat ... ' (8: 15-16).
The people of other nations who have established themselves in the Promised
Land will be overcome. 'The LORD your God will bring you into the land which
you are going to occupy, and he will drive many nations out of it. As you
advance, he will drive out seven nations larger and more powerful than you.. .'
(7: 1). The Israelites had seen God's power defeat the power of Egypt and the
enmity of tribes like the Amalekites in the wilderness; as the people entered
Canaan, they would see God's power defeat those who held the land.