A library of books
The Bible is not one book
but a library of books inside one cover. The writing and collecting together of
these books was spread over a thousand years, far back in time in a cultural
situation very different from our own. Yet the Bible is accepted by modern
Christians all over the world as God's word to them, and it has been translated
into many hundreds of modern languages from the original Hebrew and Greek
spoken in ancient Palestine. Millions of modern Christians, whether living in
Kenya, Canada, Nigeria, France, or any other country you can think of, believe
that God communicates with them through the books that were written so long ago
by those ancient Semitic writers of that small Middle East country. This fact
leads us to ask a very important question: How is the Bible true for modern
people? The first step in trying to answer our question is to consider what we
mean by the word 'true'.