In Ephesians
1:3, Paul says, 'You also became God's people when heard the
true message, the Good News that brought you salvation. Salvation means
rescue or deliverance from overwhelming dang evil. For Paul, the ex-Pharisee
who had tried to be good but who had failed, the worst thing that he wanted to
be rescued from was the power of the sin which held the whole universe and
every person in a state rebellion and helpless separation from God (Romans 7: 14-20). Salvation implies a
saviour or rescuer who comes to help those who are helpless. Paul had met his
rescuer in Jesus Christ. Paul explains how he stands Jesus Christ to be the
Saviour who has brought salvation' the power of sin to mankind, when he uses
the metaphors of redemption and reconciliation for the work of Christ.
Redemption, in the
Biblical sense, means liberation, a gracious of God in setting free his people,
in the liberation from Egyptian slavery under Moses, in the Old Testament, and
through the saving Death of Jesus Christ. Reconciliation means the restoration
of broken friendship. Sin had destroyed the fellowship which God had intended
bet man and himself, but Jesus Christ had brought this friendship back.
Salvation in Paul's
understanding is not only rescue from what been alienating the human race and
the universe from God, but means a new way of life now and a future great hope
beyond this pr age and beyond death, 1 Corinthians