Factors for the success of the war of independence in Guinea Bissau

The dynamic and charismatic leadership of Amilcar Cabral. He formed a political party and sensitised the masses about the need for a liberation war.

The defeat of ethnicism led to success. Amilcar Cabral and other like Airsides Pareira and Luiz Cabral were able to down play ethnic/tribal divisions in Guinea Bissau.

PAIGC had efficient military strategy. In the first place it took three years preparing for the war.

The geography of Guinea Bissau contributed to the success of the PAIGC .

The unwilling Portuguese army also contributed to PAIGC's success.

The independence of Guinea in 1958 led to the success of PAIGC. This Was because Sekou Toure gave military training and financial assistance to PAIGC.

The support of women led to the success of PAIGC. They excelled in the field of spying on Portuguese activities, provided food for the guerrilla fighters, mobilized people in liberated zones and some of them physically fought.

The poverty of Portugal also led to the success of PAIGC. Most of the wealth Portugal obtained from Guinea Bissau was either swindled by corrupt Portuguese officers or wasted on war.

The harsh and cruel response of the Portuguese only led to determination amongst nationalists.

The alliance between PAIGC, FRELIMO and MPLA also contributed to success in Guinea Bissau.

The formation of liberated zones led to PAIGC's success. In the liberated areas/zones, PAIGC carried out practical democratic, economic and social reforms.

The support from communist countries e.g Czechoslovakia, Russia and China, which provided up to date weapons, funds and even trained the PAIGC fighters led to its success.

The simultaneous outbreak of resistances against the Portuguese in all her African colonies weakened her and led to the success of the PAIGC.

The role of written literature also helped to alert the outside world about the atrocities of Portuguese rule in Guinea Bissau.

The role of the OAU led to the success of the PAIGC. The OAU liberation committee gave military and financial assistance to the PAIGC. Even individual OAU member countries e.g TZ, Zambia and Guinea sent in their help. They also intensified the anti- Portuguese propaganda worldwide.

The 1974 Lisbon coup just facilitated the collapse of Portuguese rule in Guinea Bissau and opened way for the success of PAIGC.

The UNO continuously challenged Portuguese colonialism in Africa and supported the liberation struggle in Guinea Bissau; at least morally/verbally by- asserting the right of self-government of all peoples of the world.

National Movements and New States in Africa