Causes of the civil war
The tribal/ethnic factors. The pre-independence liberation movements in Angola were formed along tribal lines.
Colonial legacy contributed to the civil war in Angola. Through the
policy of divide and rule,, the Portuguese had encouraged tribal
divisions amongst the peoples of Angola.
The inadequate preparation of Angolans for independence also led to the civil war.
The racial factor. MPLA was a multi-racial movement including the
Mesticos, whites and blacks. From the start, this was un acceptable to
UNITA and FNLA who looked at MPLA's multi-racism as a betrayal of the
African cause.
Ideological differences between the MPLA which was socialist against both the UNITA and FNLA which were capitalists
The personal ambitions of Dr. Jonas Savimbi also accelerated the civil war in Angola.
Foreign military support. On their own, Angolans wouldn't be able to sustain the now-27 year old civil war.
Agostinho Neto's dictatorship also contributed to the Angolan civil war. He was unwilling to listen to the views of his fellow MPLA leaders
Foreign military support. On their own, Angolans wouldn't be able to sustain the now-27 year old civil war.
Agostinho Neto's dictatorship also contributed to the Angolan civil war. He was unwilling to listen to the views of his fellow MPLA leaders
The weakness of the O.A.U.
The failure of the 1974 Nakuru protocol.
MPLA's commitment to the unity of Angola has escalated the war. On
independence day- 11th November 1975, three governments were
simultaneously proclaimed in Angola.
Economic grievances led UNITA into war, Shortly after independence,
the MPLA rushed to allow DIAMANG and the Gulf oil companies to exploit
Angola's resources.
The destabilizing role of South Africa.
The weakness of the UNO.
The breakdown of the 1989 Angola Peace Accord.
Military confidence on part of each fighting group led to the war.
Slightly after independence, Jonas Savimbi boasted of having 2 million
troops, Agostinho Neto 1.5 million troops and Roberto Holden 700,000
UNITA's failure to respect the 1992 election results led to renewed war.
National Movements and New States in Africa