
There was some increase in production. Government bought and distributed crops to farmers, there was improved organisation, better management and expanded storage facilities. The National Maize Programme succeeded and in 1978 maize production increased by a big percentage.

There was nationalisation of economic establishments. On 5th February l967, the government nationalised all commercial banks [except the co-operative bank], all insurance companies, 8 food processing firms, industries, mills, main import and export firms and promised compensation. The state also acquired interest in the major MNC subsidiaries, coffee states and sisal industry and declared readiness to reduce poverty.

UPE was introduced. Nyerere made the education system more accessible through his UPE programmes. The education system was aimed at producing a quality population, which would engage in production so as to make Tanzania self - reliant. Exams were done and graded in order to emphasize the social values of the new Ujamaa philosophy.

Ujamaa promoted unity. The concentration of various people in Ujamaa villages and the resultant communal production led to unity of different ethnic groups. Unity was also promoted through the development of Kiswahili as a national language.

Ujamaa led to the establishment of a one party system. On January 21 1977 TANU of the mainland and Afro-Shirazi of Zanzibar merged into Chama Cha Mapinduzi [CCM]. Nyerere in his report on "Tanzania's 10 years after Independence" and commenting on the 1st parliamentary elections under the one party constitution stated that one party system would allow the people to choose between two TANU approved candidates; ie choose one who they thought would best express their wishes and their ideas; accordingly, the opportunists or incompetent would no longer hide behind the party banner, The people were for the first time able to express their views about an practical subjects rather than theoretical ones. Eg. Nkrumah set up an academy of sciences in Ghana and in Uganda, for every new school to be started, vocational subjects must be included.

Provision of loans has been one of the measures. Some governments and financial institutions have provided loans to investors so that they can participate in production. E.g the Centenary Rural Development Bank in Uganda gives loans to farmers. Co-operative movements in Egypt during Nasser regime advanced loans to farmers.

There has been population growth control. Measures have been instituted to reduce the population growth rate so that it does not exceed the economic growth rate. E.g in Egypt and 'Nigeria where there is dense population such measures like use of contraceptives have been significant. [Refer to Amin's expulsion of Asians],

Economic diversification has been undertaken. This involves the creation of multi-activities and the measure has been undertaken in most African countries. E.g, there is development of mining, industrial development and agriculture in South Africa etc.

Ensuring good political climate

National Movements and New States in Africa