Barter trade in modern society
Does it mean that batter does not exist in modern societies? Even in the most advanced societies some form of barter still prevails, although in a restricted sense.
The great majority of car dealers accept second-hand cars as part-payment of the purchase price of new car.
The country doctor often receives his fee in terms of goods, such as, hens, goats, or some other commodity.
Some people are ready to offer their services, for example, looking after cattle, in return for food, clothing and shelter.
During harvest season for millet, coffee and other commodities, help may be given in exchange for drinks.
The exchange of Uganda coffee and cotton for sugar and trucks from Cuba between 1987-1990 is an example of a barter trade deal at international level. In fact Uganda in the late 1980s resorted to Barter trade because of the following reasons:-
Like many developing countries, the Country's Exports were mainly composed of Primary Products like Tea, Coffee and Cotton whose world Production been on the increase resulting in over production and a reduced share of the official World Market for each producing country. Barter Trade helped the Country to get rid of some of her excessive stock.
As a result of the fall in the volume of Exports, there was a general lack of foreign exchange to pay for imports in cash.
Continued Devaluation of the Country's currency also made the little foreign exchange available too expensive to pay for the imports in cash.
Then there was the hope of expanding the Country's Export base by bartering commodities previously not exported such as beans, maize and fruits. There was a deal to supply Tanzania and Zambia with maize in exchange for electric transformers.
Finally, at times of severe inflation or continuous rise in prices, people lose confidence in money, as it happened in Germany in 1923, when people refused the official money, and in some villages potato peels were more acceptable since at least they could be used to feed and fatten pigs.