Priests and sacrifices (Leviticus 9)

In this detailed account, the first sacrifices offered by Aaron are described. The priest was set aside and consecrated to the service of God to be a mediator between the people and God and to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people. The priest slaughtered the animals offered by the people and performed the ritual of burning the sacrifice on the altar. He also accepted the agricultural products offered, such as corn or flour, burning these on the altar. He wore special clothes and his day-to-day life required avoidance of all contact with what was unholy. The priest was to be supported by the rest of the community so that he would not be diverted from his total consecration to the service of God. The priesthood was to be hereditary, that is handed on from father to son. According to Numbers 3: 1-11, the men of the tribe of Levi were chosen to assist Aaron and his sons. The Levites were to be responsible for the care of the Sanctuary.