Messianic prophecy in the book of Isaiah

Isaiah's understanding of the events and the goal of history connect with his hope of the coming of a righteous king descended from David. The kings whom he knew, all descendants of David, were disappointing and lacked the deep understanding which Isaiah had of the character of the God they claimed to obey. We can understand how Isaiah and his small group of disciples looked hopefully to the future, affirming the coming rule of God when there would be joy and peace and the end of all in-justice and evil, as the righteous descendant of David rules on behalf of God who gives him wisdom and knowledge. The righteous descendant of David is best described as a ruler or governor, rather than 'king'. God is the true King of the earth and he gives authority to the anointed ruler of the family of David to act for him. We should note that Isaiah thought in terms of God's rule extending over the world in a practical and physical way. The blessings of God's rule would be experienced through the government of the righteous ruler in the earthly lives of people. Jerusalem was to be the purified centre of the government of the righteous ruler. Jerusalem was to be the religious centre for all nations who would come there to learn of God (2: 2-4 and 11 : 1-9).