Genesis and modern science

It is right for Christians to try to understand the observations and analysis of modern science concerning the universe of which our world is a part. But Christians must also maintain that any attempt to explain the meaning of life without reference to God is meaningless. Any scientific theories which maintain that the universe came into existence by chance, or that matter has always existed independently of a creator, or began with an impersonal 'something', are atheistic and therefore oppose the teaching of Genesis. Theories which give the origin of the universe some random or accidental cause explain nothing about why it contains extraordinary form and order which is observed and described by scientists. Theories which hold that the universe began with an impersonal cause give no explanation of what we understand as 'person' and 'personality'. How can what we recognize as 'person' be something that came from what is 'non-person'?

A very popular cosmological theory at the present time is the 'big bang' theory which upholds the view that the universe came into being as a result of a tremendous explosion out of an indescribably dense, compressed, tiny unit of energy. Scientists have described, very convincingly, what may have happened after the explosion which caused space, time and the elements of matter to come into being; but no scientist has attempted to explain the origin of that first tiny unit of tremendous energy. If a Christian scientist says that the mystery of the origin of that unit of energy is in God's creative act, then we can agree with him; but if another scientist says that the energy itself is the beginning of everything, then we disagree because the question of the origin of that energy remains unanswered.

Theories which uphold an impersonal cause of the origin of the universe do not answer any of the questions which people ask about their own value and significance. Even if I can explain in scientific terms how the structure of the universe developed after the 'big bang', this still does not give me any answers to the serious question which so many modern people ask: 'Who am I?' Neither does it give me any answers about the God whom I believe created the universe and life. For that I have to turn to the Bible.