Moses left the Midian land and returned to Egypt as God commanded him to rescue the people of Israel from slavery.

Moses helped to liberate the people of Israel from their Egyptian slavery. It was him who placed before the Egyptian the request about the release of the Israelites and this later marked the end of their suffering.

Moses was guided and led the Israelites into the Passover celebrations. He gave instructions from God to the people of Israel on how they had to celebrate the Passover.

Moses recruited the Israelites into the army especially when they were in the land of Moab. This secured their passage to the Promised Land as they defeated their enemies.

He also led the people of Israel in the fighting their enemies as they were in the wilderness. Moses acted as a judge by setting disputes among the people of Israel. This was important in maintaining harmony (Exodus 18: 13ft).

Moses also appointed judges to help him in the administration of justice among the Israelites (Exodus 18:24-26).

Moses provided for the people of Israel when they were in the wilderness. God responded to his prayer and gave the people food inform of manna and quails (Exodus 16: 1 ff).

Moses mediated the covenant between God and the Israelites at the foot of Mount Sinai. He guided the people upon receiving instructions from God on how they had to prepare themselves for the covenant.

Moses helped the people of Israel to purify themselves. Before the Sinai covenant, he commanded people to wash their clothes before meeting God the following day.

Moses offered sacrifices to God on behalf of the people of Israel particularly during the Sinai covenant.

Moses received the Ten Commandments on behalf of the people of Israel. These commands helped to safeguard the relationship with God and among themselves.

Moses wrote down all the laws God had given to the people of Israel through him and kept them safely in a box specially made for it (Exodus 24: 4).

Moses called the Israelites back to monotheism by destroying the golden calf they had made and worshipped while at the foot of Mount Sinai (32: 1 ff).

Moses interceded on behalf of the people of Israel when God wanted them punished for having made and worshipped the golden calf.

Moses prayed to God on several occasions on behalf of the Israelites like when the wanted to have food upon reaching the wilderness.

He performed a number of miracles for the benefit of the Israelites. For example, he struck a rock and water came out of it.

Moses ordained Aaron and his sons as priests among the Israelites. This helped to cater for the religious life of the people (Leviticus 8: 1 ft).


Israel became a theocratic nation as God gave the people His commands which they were obliged to obey. Besides, He constantly guided Israel from then on.

It fulfilled the promises that God had made to Israel's ancestor, Abraham that his descendants would be slaves in a strange land but He would set them free.

Israel became a monotheistic community. They started worshipping only God as a requirement for maintaining their covenant with Him.

The Israelites came to realize that they were the divinely elected people of God as He constantly referred to them as His own people.

Through it, the Israelites were able to repossess the land promised to them through their ancestor, Abraham.

It initiated new cultures, special days and feasts among the people of Israel. The cultures of circumcision and celebration of the Passover among others started during this period.

The Israelites made covenants with God during their movement to the Promised Land. This gave meaning to the later covenant between God and Israel like that at Shechem (Joshua 24: 1 ft).

The event revealed God's character to the people of Israel. They came to realize that He was a God of justice and a jealous among others.

The event marked the beginning of Israel's religious festivals and rituals like the offering of sacrifices to-God and the celebrations of unleavened bread.

The Israelites came to realize God's miraculous power which He showed through Moses for their benefit.

The exodus events became the basis of teaching in the later history of Israel for they were constantly reminded of such events as the Passover and the Sinai covenant.

It showed the Israelites the dangers of rebellion against God who promised to punish them in case of acts of disobedience.

The Israelites received a code of conduct from God during the exodus event. They were given the Ten Commandments which became a measure of safe guarding their relationship with God and among themselves.

It created unity among the people of Israel as they came to realize they were the chosen people of God.

The exodus event proved the omnipotence of God. The people saw how He destroyed the Egyptians during their liberation.

Besides, the Israelites came to realize the omnipresence of God who was ever with them beginning from the Passover feasts throughout the wilderness.

It marked the beginning of God's provision to the Israelites who gave them food and water during their journey to the Promised Land.

The event confirmed the Israelites as the first born sons of God as revealed to Moses. This was also symbolized by the offering of first born male lambs during the Passover.

It proved the holiness of God to the Israelites. During the Passover, the Israelites offered animals without defects to signify His holiness and they purified themselves before meeting at the foot of Mount Sinai.

It marked the beginning of the prophetic age in Israel which started with Moses and lasted throughout their history.

The exodus event marked the beginning of God's divine revelation to the people of Israel. He appeared in many forms including thunder, fire and cloud among others.

The event proved God as being a historical God for He identified himself to the Israelites as being the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

It confirmed God's love for the people of Israel. Because of His love, He rescued them from their slavery in Egypt, protected them and went on to promise to show His love for thousands of generations.


Christians should worship God only

Christians should fulfill their promises

Christians should approach God with holiness

Christians should to be ready to meet God anywhere

Christians should pray to God

Christians should be united

Christians should seek protection from God

Christians should promote justice

Christians should enter into a personal relationship with God

Christians should respect the laws governing the society

Christians should repent of their sins

Christians should help the oppressed people

Christians should serve as examples in the community

Christians should seek blessings from God.

IDevice Icon Revision Questions

1. Discuss the roles that Moses played in the history of Israel

2. To what extent is Jesus Christ regarded as the new Moses?

3. What lessons can religious leaders in Uganda learn from Moses?