
Both the Sinai and Abrahamic covenants were initiated by God himself as the first fellowship.

Both covenants involved unequal parties. God remained superior in both covenants as the Israelites and Abraham were inferior.

In both covenants, God showed His love for human beings as He promised to love Israel and so was the case in the Abrahamic covenant in which He started His salvation plan.

In both, sacrifices were offered to God. Moses as well as Abraham presented their offerings to God.

Both covenants involved movement. The Israelites were on their way to the Promised Land and Abraham had to leave his land and go to unknown land.

Both covenants involved the holiness of God as the Israelites purified themselves during the Sinai covenant and the fire appeared during the Abrahamic covenant signified the holiness of God.

In both covenants God pursued His salvation plan for mankind. The Sinai covenant came after God had just delivered the Israelites from their Egyptian slavery and in the Abrahamic covenant; God intended to bring man nearer to Him following the fall of man in Gen 3.

God revealed His presence in both covenants. The Israelites felt his presence through the lightning and thunder and Abraham saw a flaming torch which consumed the sacrifices.

Both covenants involved the worship of God only. The Israelites were urged to worship God only and Abraham was commanded to leave his visible gods and worship one true God.

Promises were made in both covenants. God promised to protect the Israelites as well as Abraham among others.

In both covenants, altars were built. Moses as well as Abraham built altars from where they offered their sacrifices.

Both the Sinai and the Abrahamic covenants were sealed with blood. Moses threw the blood in the bowls on the people to signify the sealing of the covenant and Abraham also used blood to seal his covenant with God.


The Sinai covenant was made between God and a multitude, the Israelites while in the Abrahamic covenant, there was God and a person, Abraham.

The Sinai covenant was mediated by Moses but Abraham talked directly with God during his covenant with him.

The Sinai covenant involved giving the laws, which required the obedience of the people but the Abrahamic covenant required faith.

The Sinai covenant involved purification before it was made but in the Abrahamic covenant, God accepted Abraham with his sinfulness.

In the Sinai covenant, there were conditions for the Israelites to fulfill in order to maintain the relationship established while the Abrahamic covenant was free from any condition.

The Sinai covenant was made with the already circumcised people but in the Abrahamic covenant, circumcision came as a physical sign of it.

In the Sinai covenant, the Israelites were in a journey to the Promised Land but Abraham movement came after his covenant with God.

The Sinai covenant was completed after a number of days before being sealed but Abraham sealed his covenant with God in one day.

The Sinai covenant involved the change of heart but Abraham changed his name and that of his wife after his covenant with. His name changed from Abram to Abraham and his wife became known as Sarah from Sarai.

The two covenants took place in different geographical places. Israelites were at the foot of Mount Sinai in the land of Moab while Abraham was in Ur.

In the Sinai covenant, God revelation was violent that it made the people to tremble. There were lightning and thunder but God revealed himself to Abraham in a calm and quiet way.

The Sinai covenant was a fulfillment of God's salvation plans for humanity while God's covenant with Abraham was the beginning of His salvation plan to mankind following the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3.

Revision Questions

1. Compare the Sinai covenant with the one God made with Abraham

2. "There is no difference between the Sinai and the Abrahamic covenant" Discuss