Prophet Hosea: The Prophet of God's Unlimited Love

Hosea was a son of Beeri who preached in the northern kingdom of Israel after prophet Amos. This was during the troubled times before the fall of Samaria in 721 BC.

The Lord gave His message to Hosea during the time that Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah and Jeroboam the son of Jehoash was the king of Israel.

Hosea was especially concerned about the idolatry of the people and their faithlessness towards God. He illustrated this faithlessness through his own disastrous marriage to an unfaithful woman named Gomer.

Through his marriage relationship, Hosea came to understand and explain God's relationship with His own people. Therefore, his marriage was a symbolic marriage with prophetic meaning and message to the people of Israel

Hosea is referred to as a prophet of God's unlimited love. During his ministry, he showed the undying love Yahweh had for His own people who continued to be sinful and unrepentant.

He was a person with deep passion and feeling for the people of Israel. For this reason, Hosea looked forward to the people's repentance in order for them to be pared from God's judgement and destruction.

Hosea hated to see the sinfulness and rebellion of the people of Israel. He saw that this would lead into their punishment thus he urged the people to change their heart and turn back to God.

Like the other prophets, Hosea saw the failure of the Israelites to follow and obey the commands of the Lord, warned them, showed how much God loved them and talked about restoration after their punishment and a return from exile life.


(Hosea 1:2-9,2:2-23 and 3:1-5)

 Hosea begins his message showing how the Lord commanded him to go and get married to an unfaithful woman named Gomer. His children were also to be like their mother.

Hosea's marriage to Gomer was symbolical to explain the relationship between G and Israel as was established during the Sinai covenant.

Hosea in this passage represented Yahweh the God of Israel and Gomer symbolized the people of Israel.

The marriage between Hosea and Gomer symbolized the covenant which God made with the people of Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai.

Just like God expected the covenant He had made with His own people to be permanent Hosea's marriage to Gomer was expected to be permanent.

In this marriage, the unfaithfulness of Gomer meant that the people of Israel had become unfaithful to God.

The children who were to be like their mother showed how the successive generations in Israel behaved in an unfaithful way like their fore fathers.

In this marriage, Hosea and Gomer had three children meaning that the people of Israel had continued to multiply as God had promised in the Sinai covenant.

The blessing of Hosea and his wife Gomer with three children meant that the people of Israel continued to multiply as part of the blessings God had promised during the Sinai Covenant.

The first child, a son was named "Jezreel". This name was interpreted to mean that the Lord would punish the king of Israel for the murders that his ancestor Jehu committed at Jezreel.

The second child, a daughter was named "Unloved". This meant that the Lord would no longer show love to the people of Israel or forgive them.

The third child, a son was named "Not-my-People" meaning that God had rejected Israel as His covenant people. He was no longer their God.

Hosea's wife, Gomer turned out to be an adulterous woman and a prostitute. In the same way, Israel had turned to and worshipped other gods.

Hosea asked his children to plead with their mother to stop her adultery and prostitution. This symbolized God asking the prophets to plead with Israel to stop worshipping other gods and turn back to the Sinai Covenant.

Hosea divorced his wife, Gomer. She was no longer his wife meaning that God had abandoned Israel. Therefore, they were no longer His covenant people.

Hosea promised to strip his wife, Gomer as naked as she was on the day she was born meaning that God was determined to punish Israel.

Besides, Hosea promised to be merciless to the children of Gomer, for they were the children of a shameless prostitute. This meant that God would be merciless to the descendants of Israel. He was now determined to punish them because their mother turned to other gods.

Hosea claimed that his wife, Gomer was going to her lovers because of food and water, wool and linen, olive oil and wine. This showed the materialistic nature of Israel. She turned to other gods because of such material benefits.

Gomer continued with her adultery and prostitution despite Hosea's plea through his children. This meant that Israel continued to worship other gods even though God had requested them through His prophets to stop doing so.

For her continued unfaithfulness, Hosea promised to fence his wife, Gomer with thorn bushes and build a wall t~ block her way. This meant that God would protect Israel from   going to other gods.   

The children who were to be like their mother showed how the successive generations in Israel behaved in an unfaithful way like their fore fathers.

In this marriage, Hosea and Gomer had three children meaning that the people of Israel had continued to multiply as God had promised in the Sinai covenant.

The blessing of Hosea and his wife Gomer with three children meant that the people of Israel continued to multiply as part of the blessings God had promised during the Sinai Covenant.

The first child, a son was named "Jezreel". This name was interpreted to mean that the Lord would punish the king of Israel for the murders that his ancestor Jehu committed at Jezreel.

The second child, a daughter was named "Unloved". This meant that the Lord would no longer show love to the people of Israel or forgive them.

The third child, a son was named "Not-my-People" meaning that God had rejected Israel as His covenant people. He was no longer their God.

Hosea's wife, Gomer turned out to be an adulterous woman and a prostitute. In the same way, Israel had turned to and worshipped other gods.

Hosea asked his children to plead with their mother to stop her adultery and prostitution. This symbolized God asking the prophets to plead with Israel to stop worshipping other gods and turn back to the Sinai Covenant.

Hosea divorced his wife, Gomer. She was no longer his wife meaning that God had abandoned Israel. Therefore, they were no longer His covenant people.

Hosea promised to strip his wife, Gomer as naked as she was on the day she was born meaning that God was determined to punish Israel.

Besides, Hosea promised to be merciless to the children of Gomer, for they were the children of a shameless prostitute. This meant that God would be merciless to the descendants of Israel. He was now determined to punish them because their mother turned to other gods.

Hosea claimed that his wife, Gomer was going to her lovers because of food and water, wool and linen, olive oil and wine. This showed the materialistic nature of Israel. She turned to other gods because of such material benefits.

Hosea felt pain to see his wife leave him and go to other men. This signified the divine sorrow of God as He saw the people He loved so much turning to other gods.

Gomer continued with her adultery and prostitution despite Hosea's plea through his children. This meant that Israel continued to worship other gods even though God had requested them through His prophets to stop doing so.

For her continued unfaithfulness, Hosea promised to fence his wife, Gomer with thorn bushes and build a wall to block her way. This meant that God would protect Israel from going to other gods.

Hosea said that Gomer would run after her lovers but without catching them. She would look for them but would not find them. This meant that Israel would no longer find the gods they once worshipped.

Gomer would decide to go back to Hosea, her first husband. She realized that she was better off with him. This showed that Israel would turn back to God.

Hosea said that his wife, Gomer would never acknowledge him as the one who gave corn, wine and all the silver and gold that she used in Baal worship. This meant that Israelites had failed to acknowledge God's provision to them.

Hosea promised to take away his gifts of corn and wine and wool and linen. This showed that God would withdraw blessings from the people of Israel.

Hosea promised to punish his wife for the times she forgot him particularly when she burnt incense to Baal and put on her jewellery to go chasing after lovers. This meant that God was going to punish the people of Israel.

Hosea promised that he would put an end to all her festivities which meant that there would be suffering and Israel would not have time to celebrate.

Hosea promised to take his wife into the desert again and win her back using words of love. This meant that God would take Israel away from the presence of other gods.

Gomer would respond to Hosea as they had just started. This showed that Israel would once again respond to God as she did when she came out of Egypt.

Gomer would once again call Hosea her husband meaning that Israel would once again turn to and worship the Lord.

The Lord commanded Hosea to again go and show his love for Gomer who had continued with adultery. This symbolized God's continued and unlimited love for Israel even though they continued to turn to other gods.

Hosea paid fifteen pieces of silver and 150 kilogrammes of barley in order to buy Gomer back to him. This signified God's continued effort to have Israel as His covenant people.

Hosea told Gomer that she would have to wait for a long time for him without being a prostitute or committing adultery. In the same way, the Lord would wait for Israel. They would live for a long time without kings or leaders, idols or images to use for divination.

The remarriage between Hosea and Gomer meant that God and Israel would once again come to understand and recognize one another.

The Lord promised Hosea a better future for the people of Israel. They would live in peace and safety.

He would show them His constant love and mercy and make them his people forever. In turn, the people would acknowledge him as the Lord.

The name of Hosea's children would change for the better meaning that God was now willing to restore the covenant relationship with His own people.

The name "Jezreel" would change to "Prosperity" to mean that the Lord would make Israel prosper again as His covenant people.

The name "Unloved" would become "Loved" meaning that the Lord would once again show love to those who were unloved.

"Not-my-People" would turn to "My-People" meaning that the Lord would once again make Israel His own people.

Revision Questions

1.          "Hosea’s marriage to Gomer is a dramatization of the Sinai covenant" Discuss.

2.          "God's relation with the people of Israel was illustrated in the family experience of Hosea" Discuss.

3.          Justify the view than Hosea’s marriage of Gomer is the key to the understanding of the whole book.

4.          How did Hosea portray God's message to the people of Israel through his children?

5.          How did Hosea use his marriage to show the relationship between God and Israel?

6.          "God's relationship with the people of Israel was demonstrated in the family experience of Hosea" Comment

7.          Explain the meaning of Hosea's children to the people of Israel.

8.          What do the names of Hosea I s children teach about the nature of God?

9.          Examine the ways in which Hosea I s marriage and his family experience portray the nature of



10.     The prophesy of Hosea is a dramatization of the Sinai covenant". Discuss

To a large extent Hosea’s prophesies as a demonstration of Sinai covenant. Discuss the symbolic marriage

However to a small extent his prophesies reflected other aspects.

·       Opposed and condemned the behaviour of priests

·       He prophesied the messages of hope and restoration.

·       He talked about God's judgement and punishment.

·       He talked about God's love for Israel.

·       Condemned the people's insincere worship.

·       Hosea condemned pagan worship in Israel


God's condemnation of or accusation against Israel

(HOSEA 4:1 ff, 5: 1 ff, 6:1 ff, 7:1 ff, 8:1 ff, 9:1 ff)

The Sins or Evils of Israel

The people of Israel hated each other instead of showing love. It was this reason that they treated each other unfairly.

There was Baal worship among the Israelites. Hosea observed this kind of worship had pushed Yahweh far away from the people.

There was also idol worship among the Israelites. It had become the order of the day. Therefore, they had defiled themselves.

The Israelites were guilty of making promises and breaking them. By doing so, they had become liars.

The people of Israel had also become too arrogant. Hosea observed that their arrogance cried against them but they were not mindful of what they were doing.

The people of Israel kept turning away from the Lord to other gods. Like a woman who became a prostitute, they gave themselves to other powerless gods. Therefore, they were as unreliable as a crooked bow.

The people of Israel were insincere in their prayer. They could throw themselves down and wail as the heathen could do.

The people of Israel plotted against the Lord even though He was the one who brought them up and made them strong. Therefore, they had become rebels.

There was insincere offering of sacrifices among the Israelites. They could take their sheep and cattle to offer as sacrifices to the Lord but could not do any good for them.

The people of Israel became unfaithful to the Lord. For this reason, their children did not belong to Him thus they would be destroyed.

The Israelites were involved in murder. This was to the extent that they could kill one person after another.

The people of Israel were guilty of committing adultery. For this reason, there was no faithfulness in their marriages.

There was pagan worship among the people of Israel. The prophet noted that the people could ask for, revelations from a piece of wood, that a stick could tell them what they wanted to know.

The daughters of the people of Israel served as prostitutes. They had copied the examples of their parents who went with temple prostitutes.

The people were over drinking wine. Hosea observed that wine both old and new had robbed the Lord's people of their senses.

The people of Israel refused to acknowledge the Lord, their God and rejected His teaching as well. For this reason, the Lord also rejected them.

There was discrimination in places of worship. The priests in particular were favouring the rich at the expense of the poor.

Hosea saw that the people of Israel were stealing. This had seen crimes increase day by day

Hosea condemned Israel for making political alliance. She turned to Assyria for help after seeing how sick she was. The people went to the extent of paying other nations to protect them. This was lack of trust in the Lord.

The people of Israel cheated one another by breaking into the houses to steal and robbing on the streets.

The people of Israel conspired against their own rulers and had them killed. They deceived their king with their evil plots. Consequently, kings were assassinated one after another.

The people of Israel chose their own kings and appointed leaders without the approval of the Lord

The Israelites were involved in religious syncretism. In doing so the prophet noted that the people had forgotten about Yahweh.

Revision Questions

1.          Account for Hosea’s condemnation of the people of Israel

2.          Why would Hosea condemn the people of Uganda?

3.          Justify Hosea's accusation against the people of Israel

4.          The Lord says "when Israel was a child, I loved him and called him out of Egypt as my son (Hosea 11: 1)

(a) Explain the circumstances which compelled Hosea to utter this statement

(b) What lessons can modern Christians learn from this statement in regards to relationship with God?