
Work is simply defined as the use or one's energy to carry, out a constructive activity. The energy one uses may be mental such as balancing books of Accounts or it may be physical such as loading bags of cement on a trailer (manual labour) However, most of the work we do entails the use of both physical and mental energy. For example such tasks as building, engineering and driving require both physical and mental energy.  

In our work, we are interdependent. This means that we depend on each other's work e.g. at school we need pens, books, type writers etc all of which are a result of other peoples' work.

 The purpose of work

People work in order to earn a living. It is through work that man satisfies all his basic needs such as food 'shelter, clothing, medical care and security. A normal person needs all these' for his day to day upkeep- without the basic needs, we cannot survive; Instead we can just become parasites on society.

People work in order to introduce desirable changes in the world e.g. moral changes. Most artificial changes are a result of hard work. At the same time, in case of dangerous changes such as floods, desertification, earthquakes etc. We bill only control them through hard work.

Work brings us closer to our fellowmen. Work is a social activity, done in association with others for example, school teachers, nurses, industrial workers, members of parliament etc all work is in close association which promotes social feelings, unity and sharing amongst themselves.

Through work we are able to exploit our talents fully. Some people are talented in writing books, others in carpentry, others in preaching. Such talents can only be exploited and developed through hard work. We work to find satisfaction in the use of our special talents.

People work for personal fulfillment and satisfaction. While working, a person makes full use of all his or her senses, E.g. He uses the mind to think, the fingers to touch, the legs to move, the eyes to see. During work, all body parts are put to proper functioning. Hence work fulfills a person and makes him fully human.  

Work leads to the development of society. Every good work done is a direct or an indirect way of contributing to the development of society. Hence, a teacher -ministers traders, engineers, doctors, singers, farmers, wheelbarrow pushers' etc all contribute to the development: of society,       

Through work we are able to render services to others especially the under privileged members of society. We can build them houses, give them money (Charity, pay school fees, etc.) if we work hard. Work makes us useful to others. We cannot give unless we have something to give and to get what to give, we need to work hard.

Through hard work, we can attain political peace, justice, freedom and stability. Hence the work of presidents; ministers; lawyers, policemen, local councils, local defence forces etc. is to ensure that peace prevails in society.

People work in order to become rich and improve upon the quality of their lives. In other words to improve their standard of living.

Work keeps a person physically fit. Through work, a person sweats a bit, hence the waste materials are removed from his body. Work therefore keeps a person healthy.

Through work we are able to fight the three basic enemies of man namely poverty, ignorance and disease (PID).

Through work, we are able to glorify the creator who created us in his image and assigned us a duty to work.

Work is the only means through which we can appropriately prepare for social occasions and for leisure. One who doesn't work can find it extremely difficult to enjoy leisure.

Hard work is the major means of attaining a successful and happy life. Is there any person who doesn't want to be successful and happy?     

A family is the most important unit of society. Through work, families become stable. A good family leads to a good citizen and a good state.

Work gives man a status in society i.e. a sense of individual value and belonging to the community. Society hates idle people because they are a danger and nuisance to society.